Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Wiki
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Areas of this article contain spoilers about Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown. Please proceed with caution.

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The Island is a location in Magical Girl Raising Project universe and the main stage for Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown.

General Information[]

The Island is a place that the deceased Lyr Cuem Sataborn used as a villa and a research facility. Following his passing, the island is used as the place where the Mages gather to find out the one who will inherit Lir Kuem Satabourn's land.

The only way to get to the island is via a magical gate.

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The Island is also where Sataborn did most of his experiments, such as creating the greyfruit and creating Francisca Francesca.


Main Building[]

Located in the middle of the island. The Main building consists of the main hall where all the Mages gather to decide the next inheritance. In the main building is a kitchen where John Shepherdspie likes to cook, and several guest rooms where all the mages and the Magical Girls stayed.

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Underneath the mainly building is a giant lab, where Sataborn kept both ancient artifacts as well as multiple Francisca Francesca bodies.
Due to how many fights occurred here, the main building ends up practically destroyed by the end of Breakdown.


A small room located next to the Main Building.


Located around the Northwest where a certain Goddess emerged.

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John Shepherdspie was found dead beside this fountain by Ragi Zwe Nento, Dreamy☆Chelsea and Pastel Mary.


Located around the Southwest where Touta Magaoka, Yol and Rareko were hiding.

Magical Gates[]

There are 2 magical gates located on the North and South of the island. The gates are the only way to reach the island.

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Francisca Francesca eventually destroys both of these gates, and kills Maiya next to one.

Characters From This Place[]

Former Owner Team John Experiment
Lir Kuem Satabourn John Shepherdspie Francisca Francesca
Logo-Image Unvalaible John Shepherdspie Francisca Francesca fanmade

Characters That Come To This Place[]

Invited Inheritors and their Magical Girls
Team John Team Touta Team Ragi
Pastel Mary Dreamy☆Chelsea Touta Magaoka Miss Marguerite Ragi Zwe Nento Clantail
Pastel Merry Dreamy☆Chelsea Touta Magaoka Miss Margarite Ragi Jie Nent Clantail Breakdown 2
Team Mana Team Agri
Mana 7753 Tepsekemei Agrielreymwaed
Love Me
Mana Breakdown fanmade 7753 Breakdown fanmade Tepsekemei Breakdown 2 Agrielleimaid Quarky Love Me Ren-Ren Nephilia
Team Yol Team Navi
Yol Maiya Rareko Navi Ru Clarissa
Yol Meyer Rareko Navi Ru ClarissaToothedge
Magical Girls not involved with the Inheritance
Osk Faction Team Snow White
Shufflin ll Snow White Uluru
Shufflin Ⅱ White Snow White Uluru


V • T • E Locations
Real World N-CityB-CityS-CityW-CityF-CityMagical Girl Prison
Umemizaki Private AcademyExperimental SiteThe Island
Magic-Related World Magical KingdomCyber WorldClass 2-FDream World