Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Wiki
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Ragi Zwe Nento (ラギ·ヅェ·ネント) first appeared as a minor character in Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart and later had his role expanded in Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown. He later appeared again in Magical Girl Raising Project: White.

He is the head of the Management Division. However, he actually greatly dislikes Magical Girls, especially those who refuse to follow protocol.

Fav LNRagi Jie NentFalSpoiler(s) Below!
In Restart, he was approached by Snow White for Keek's file, but denies her due to it being classified, prompting her to steal it.
In breakdown, he is a candidate for the late Sataborn's inheritance, traveling to his private island accompanied by Clantail.
In White, he is once again approached by Snow White to aid her investigation of Umemizaki Middle School.
In Red, he personally travels to Umemizaki when it comes under attack by Pythie Frederica and Old Blue, and he later helps rescue 7753 and offers a job to Calkoro.


Ragi Jie Nent full

Ragi Zwe Nento

Ragi Zwe Nento has a long white beard and blueish-grey eyes. He has a very fair complexion and many wrinkles on his face.

Ragi wears a long dark purple robe that fades to a lighter purple at the ends. The robe covers his entire body, reaching down to the floor. Ragi also wears a similarly colored colored hat, which flops over at the top. His hat is bound together with a gold chain that has a blue pendant attached to it. The center of his robe is a light blue with the pattern of a galaxy, with silver lining around the edges. A silver Crescent Moon, star, and circle shaped pin are also attached to the center. Underneath his robe, Ragi wears a grey button-up.

He wields a cane, and is always seen squinting or scowling. Snow White describes him as having the appearance of "a stereotypical mage".


He hates Magical Girls, especially the Magical Girl Hunter, after the way they treated him by firing him from his position because a Magical Girl apparently did a better job. His face scrunches up whenever the topic of Magical Girls come up. However, due to her quietness, he tolerates Clantail.

He is a respectful mage, as after he is given the news that Lyr Cuem Sataborn died, he silently pays his respects.

Following the events of Breakdown, Ragi’s mental health takes a turn for the worse. He starts to become depressed, struggling to do even the most basic necessities.


Due to being a Mage, Ragi Zwe Nento does not have a unique Magical Ability.



When Ragi was a young mage, he admired and respected her the most out of all of The Three Sages. He is currently saddened and disappointed with her current reincarnation.

Snow White[]

Snow White is the epitome of the kind of Magical Girls Ragi hates: those who refuse to follow protocol. In Restart, he turned her away when she requested Keek's file since that is classified information. It is later revealed, in breakdown, that he was outraged upon learning that she had read his mind and stole the file using his password, causing a scandal that cost him his job. Ragi is especially angered that, instead of being punished, she is praised as the Magical Girl Hunter, even though she is a rule breaker herself.

Ragi is still on bad terms with Snow White when they meet each other again in White. She doubted he would even have accepted to meet if she did not use a proxy. True enough, upon seeing Snow White again, Ragi's mood immediately soured. However, after she had apologized to him, he was willing to cooperate with her for the Umemizaki investigation.


Ragi met Clantail at a food competition, where he noted her quiet demeanour. Her quietness and free schedule are what led him to choose her as his companion.

As Clantail did not talk to anyone but Ragi, this made him worry, as other people would have spoken to each other and forged bonds within themselves, meanwhile Clantail was being unsociable. Since Ragi wasn't closely linked to Clantail, as she was just hired to escort him, he pushed his worries away. He told himself the only reason he cared so much was that if anyone found out that the Magical Girl he hired didn't communicate with anyone, his position as the head of the Magical Girl Management Division would be questioned.

Magical Daisy[]


Tot Pop[]


Pastel Mary[]




John Shepherdspie[]

Navi Ru[]

Ragi and Navi were both mages of the Osk faction. For some reasons, Ragi has a strong hate towards Navi Ru, and accused him of being part of the bad reputation that the Osk faction have gained.

Clarissa Toothedge[]

Agrielreymwaed Quarky[]




Miss Marguerite[]

Touta Magaoka[]

Lyr Cuem Sataborn[]

Francisca Francesca[]

Osk's Faction[]

Grim Heart[]




Miss Ril[]

Ragi was the one who recommended Miss Ril to the Class 2-F of Umemizaki Middle School. He recommended her to the class because she fit specific criteria he had put in place for his recommendation.

Ragi seems to want what’s best for Miss Ril as a student at Umemizaki, hoping that she didn’t make friends with potential bad influences. She's the only magical girl that Ragi acually cares about.

Magical Girl Class[]

Halna Midi Meren[]

Pythie Frederica[]

Musician Of The Forest, Cranberry[]


  • According to Kana, he was involved in the Magical Girl Class project, which is ironic as he hates Magical Girls or anything related to them.


V • T • E Restart Characters
Team Clantail ClantailPechkaRionettaNonako Miyokata
Team Daisy Magical DaisyNokko@Meow-MeowGenopsyko Yumenoshima
Team Bell Detec BellLapis LazulineMelvilleCherna Mouse
Team Pfle PfleShadow GaleMasked Wonder
Others AkaneKeekFal
Minor Appearances Snow WhiteLake of Fire Flame FlameyPaletteRagi Zwe NentoMusician Of The Forest, CranberryFav

V • T • E Episodes Φ Characters
Unmarked (Arc 1) Snow WhiteMusician Of The Forest, CranberryFav
Restart Magical DaisyLapis LazulineKeekFalRagi Zwe Nento
Limited ManaHana GekokujouArchfiend Pam7753TepsekemeiRain PowPostarieTokoTot PopPukinSonia Bean
JOKERS Princess InfernoPrincess DelugePrincess QuakePrincess Tempest
Prism CherryMarika FukuroiFilruKafuria
ACES&QUEENS PatriciaPuk PuckUluruSorami NakanoPremium Sachiko
Others Shou MinamidaYoshiko YoshinouraSumireKokuriNeginoAuroTwin Dragons Panas

V • T • E Breakdown Characters
Team John John ShepherdspiePastel MaryDreamy☆Chelsea
Team Touta Touta MagaokaMiss Marguerite
Team Ragi Ragi Zwe NentoClantail
Team Agri Agrielreymwaed QuarkyLove Me Ren-RenNephilia
Team Mana Mana7753Tepsekemei
Team Navi Navi RuClarissa Toothedge
Team Yol YolMaiyaRareko
Island Inhabitants Lyr Cuem SatabornFrancisca Francesca
Other Death PrayerSnow WhiteUluruShufflin Ⅱ

V • T • E Magical Kingdom
Founder The First Mage
The Three Sages Chêne・Osk・Baal・Mel / (Grim Heart) • Av・Lapati・Puk・Baltha / (Puk Puck) •
Caspar・Vim・Hop・Seuk / (Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami)
Central Authority / Sages' Factions
Information Bureau Grim HeartShufflinHalna Midi MerenTetty Goodgripp
Sages' Factions LetheCQ Angel HamuelShufflin ⅡUluruPremium SachikoSorami Nakano
Magical Girl Department
Inspection Department ManaSnow White (Outside Staff) • Hana GekokujouFalPukin (Former Head) • Fan Lit FanUnnamed PersonDeath PrayerDrill Dory
Magical Girl Resources Department Pfle (Former Head) • Clio (Deputy Head) • 7753 (Guidance) • Cranberry (Former) • Dark Cutie (Secret Team) • Micchan the Dictionary (Secret Team) • Glassianne (Secret Team) • Flame Flamey (Former) • AlmaFav (Former) • Toko (Former) • Pythie Frederica (Former Head and Examiner) • BirgittaRappy TaypeJuubePuppeta
Department of Diplomacy Archfiend Pam (Former Head) • Lady Proud (Former Head) • Umbrain (Former)
R&D Division Juube (Former Head) • Puppeta (Former) • Jelly MarieSpinonBluebell CandyPrincess Deluge (Former) • Olga
Public Relations Division PaletteMagical DaisyTwin Stars Cutie AltairCutie VegaSally Raven
IT Division Keek (Former) • Fal (Former)
Magical Girl Management Division Ragi Zwe Nento (Head)
Freelancers FilruUttakattaKafuriaAuroNeginoKokuriMiss MargueritePshuke Prains
Others Rain PowEljeena

V • T • E Three Sages
Osk's Faction Leader Chêne・Osk・Baal・Mel / (Grim Heart) (Former) • Lethe
Members CQ Angel HamuelShufflinShufflin ⅡHalna Midi MerenRagi Zwe Nento (Former) • Navi Ru (Former)
Puk's Faction Leader Av・Lapati・Puk・Baltha / (Puk Puck) (Former)
Members Uluru (Former) • Premium SachikoSorami Nakano
Pshuke Prains (Former)
Caspar's Faction Leader Caspar・Vim・Hop・Seuk / (Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami)
Members Pythie FredericaKumi-KumiClassical LillianMephis PhelesKanaDiko Narakunoin