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Pshuke Prains (プシュケ・プレインス), also known by her real name China Mizuta (水田稚奈), is one of the main protagonists of Magical Girl Raising Project: Black, Magical Girl Raising Project: White, and Magical Girl Raising Project: Red.

Pshuke Prains is a member of Group 3 of Class 2-F in Umemizaki Middle School as well as a Freelancer and a former member of Puk's Faction.

Fav LNPsychePlainsFalSpoiler(s) Below!
In Red, it is revealed that she had been abducted by the principal and fused with a homunculus clone at some point prior.



As a human, China has long, wavy black hair that is pulled up into a thin ponytail on the right side. She has straight bangs, black eyes and wears a school uniform.

Magical Girl[]

As a Magical Girl, Pshuke Prains has short, wavy lavender hair swept in neat bangs, with a split on the right. Most of her head is covered with a plaid pink shower cap with inflated blue bear ears attached to the top. A lacy, dark pink bow with lace decorates the front of her cap. Underneath, she appears to have a lacy headdress. Her eyes are a deep purple fading into golden yellow. For her outfit, she wears a two-piece swimsuit with a salmon-pink plaid pattern. A light orange fish is hung over her top piece. Around her waist and just above her bottom piece, she wears a cord attached to her right thigh with a dark pink bow attached on top. Partially covering her bottom piece, she wears a white mini skirt that exposes the front.

Her arms are covered with semi-transparent blue floaties with an inflated bear mask. Her nails are painted hot pink. She wears dark purple shoes with two pink beads at the ends. On her back, she appears to have a large, blue inflated ring with two identical inflated orange fish. Pshuke often carries around a hot pink water gun with a small figurine of a bear on top.


Pshuke seems to curse a lot under her breath, throwing death threats to others behind their backs. Pshuke considers insulting others behind their backs a good way to relieve stress. She's also an expert on lips-reading.

Because of her previous affiliation with the Puk's Faction, Pshuke is very worried about her professional career as a Magical Girl, as she believes that any mistake or incident can ruin everything.

Due to becoming a Magical girl at the age of 10, and having to forfeit all human activities to focus on magical girl training, Pshuke silently longs for the joys of school life. When Halna Medhi Melen allows class 2F to attend the festival, Pshuke is internally overjoyed.


Fights using her magic water gun.

Unlike an ordinary water gun, Pshuke's can only spray like an atomizer. Pshuke can shoot any kind of liquid from her water gun, like fog, pepper spray, acid, lubricant, or an adhesive.

Special Item(s)[]

  • Magical Water Gun: A magenta water gun with a brown bear sitting on top. Assists Pshuke's magic.


Princess Lightning[]

Pshuke Prains and Princess Lightning are in the same class group. Pshuke Prains compares Princess Lightning with Puk Puck, both being very charismatic and willing to do whatever they want without caring about consequences.

After Lightning's fight with Adelheid, Pshuke Prains starts to mistrust her classmate's intentions.

Diko Narakunoin[]

Pshuke Prains and Diko Narakunoin are in the same class group.

Sally Raven[]

Pshuke Prains and Sally Raven are in the same class group. They have formed a secret alliance against Princess Lightning.

In White, it is shown that they Sally Raven is making an attempt to get Pshuke into The Cutie Healer Series, giving her DVD sets of different seasons to watch.

Pshuke Prains frequently talks to Sally Raven about how she’s feeling regarding the rest of the class and school in general.


Pshuke Prains and Ranyi are in the same class group.

Snow White[]

Pshuke Prains hates Snow White due to the Magical Girl Hunter's monopolization of all the free-lance jobs in the Magical Kingdom. Upon meeting her, Pshuke Prains found it suspicious that she was completely different from what the stories suggested, causing her to believe that Snow White herself embellished her legend. Pshuke Prains is also worried as to what the Snow White is even doing at Umemizaki, fearing that any potential scandal might cause the school to be shut down.

Puk Puck[]

Although their exact relationship is unknown, Pshuke Prains has compared her to Princess Lightning, thinking that Puk Puck was very charismatic. However, given Pshuke's Prains worries, her opinion on Puk Puck might have been soured due to the Puk Faction's reputation.

Halna Midi Meren[]

After arriving in the courtyard in Red, Halna’s internal thoughts reveal that she had managed to capture Pshuke Prains, fusing her with a homunculus at some point before the raid on Umemizaki.

Just like the other magical girls who she had captured, Halna gives no real reason for why she chose Pshuke specifically.

Puk's Faction[]


Old Blue[]


Real Name[]

  • The name China means "immature, young" (稚) (shi/chi) and "apple tree" (奈) (na).
  • China's surname Mizuta means "water" (水) (mizu) and "field, rice paddy" (田) (ta).


  • Pshuke Prains was recommended to the Magical Girl Class by the Puk Faction.
  • She was a professional before enrolling in the Magical Girl Class.
    • She was once a guard for Cutie Healer's 20th Anniversary Party where Sally Raven attended.
  • Pshuke was named after the greek goddess Psyche, who was once tasked to draw water from a river. However, in universe, Pshuke named herself after the sound her gun makes.[1]



V • T • E Black Characters
Class 2-F Group 1 Tetty GoodgrippMiss RilRappy TaypeArc ArlieDrill Dory
Group 2 Mephis PhelesKanaKumi-KumiClassical LillianThunder-General Adelheid
Group 3 Pshuke PrainsPrincess LightningDiko NarakunoinSally RavenRanyi
Others CalkoroSnow White
Minor Appearances Princess DelugeHalna Medhi MelenPythie FredericaUluru
Blade BrendaCannon CatherineThe First Lapis LazulineThe Third Lapis LazulineMarika FukuroiYoshiko YoshinouraMiss Satou
Shadow Homunculi Shadow PukinShadow Calamity MaryShadow Grim Heart
Shadow Sonia BeanShadow MelvilleShadow AkaneShadow CranberryShadow Flame Flamey

V • T • E White Characters
Class 2-F Group 1 Tetty GoodgrippMiss RilRappy TaypeArc ArlieDrill Dory
Group 2 Mephis PhelesKanaKumi-KumiClassical LillianAdelheid
Group 3 Pshuke PrainsPrincess LightningDiko NarakunoinSally RavenRanyi
Others CalkoroSnow WhiteHalna Midi Meren
Magical Kingdom Team Lazuline Old BlueThe Third Lapis LazulineLove LuluRipple
Caspar Faction Pythie FredericaAsmona
Team Deluge Princess DelugeBlade BrendaCannon Catherine
Minor Appearances JuubePuppetaUluruMarika FukuroiManaRagi Zwe NentoAmyMonakoMiss SatouChimiera KakuryoCindy NeckchopperCota RialTateru AmamiyaThe Black Knight GuinnefirraShock SingerSilent Wave

V • T • E Magical Kingdom
Founder The First Mage
The Three Sages Chêne・Osk・Baal・Mel / (Grim Heart) • Av・Lapati・Puk・Baltha / (Puk Puck) •
Caspar・Vim・Hop・Seuk / (Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami)
Central Authority / Sages' Factions
Information Bureau Grim HeartShufflinHalna Midi MerenTetty Goodgripp
Sages' Factions LetheCQ Angel HamuelShufflin ⅡUluruPremium SachikoSorami Nakano
Magical Girl Department
Inspection Department ManaSnow White (Outside Staff) • Hana GekokujouFalPukin (Former Head) • Fan Lit FanUnnamed PersonDeath PrayerDrill Dory
Magical Girl Resources Department Pfle (Former Head) • Clio (Deputy Head) • 7753 (Guidance) • Cranberry (Former) • Dark Cutie (Secret Team) • Micchan the Dictionary (Secret Team) • Glassianne (Secret Team) • Flame Flamey (Former) • AlmaFav (Former) • Toko (Former) • Pythie Frederica (Former Head and Examiner) • BirgittaRappy TaypeJuubePuppeta
Department of Diplomacy Archfiend Pam (Former Head) • Lady Proud (Former Head) • Umbrain (Former)
R&D Division Juube (Former Head) • Puppeta (Former) • Jelly MarieSpinonBluebell CandyPrincess Deluge (Former) • Olga
Public Relations Division PaletteMagical DaisyTwin Stars Cutie AltairCutie VegaSally Raven
IT Division Keek (Former) • Fal (Former)
Magical Girl Management Division Ragi Zwe Nento (Head)
Freelancers FilruUttakattaKafuriaAuroNeginoKokuriMiss MargueritePshuke Prains
Others Rain PowEljeena

V • T • E Three Sages
Osk's Faction Leader Chêne・Osk・Baal・Mel / (Grim Heart) (Former) • Lethe
Members CQ Angel HamuelShufflinShufflin ⅡHalna Midi MerenRagi Zwe Nento (Former) • Navi Ru (Former)
Puk's Faction Leader Av・Lapati・Puk・Baltha / (Puk Puck) (Former)
Members Uluru (Former) • Premium SachikoSorami Nakano
Pshuke Prains (Former)
Caspar's Faction Leader Caspar・Vim・Hop・Seuk / (Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami)
Members Pythie FredericaKumi-KumiClassical LillianMephis PhelesKanaDiko Narakunoin