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The white whirlwind, Princess Tempest!

— Princess Tempest - Catchphrase

Princess Tempest (プリンセス・テンペスト), also known by her real name Mei Higashionna (東恩納鳴), is one of the main protagonists of Magical Girl Raising Project: JOKERS.

She is the youngest member of the Pure Elements. Tempest is childish, energetic, and often thinks of her unrequited love.



As a Human, Mei is said to have an average height and a slightly less than average weight. Her hair was tied up in two pigtails during the meeting where she first became a Magical Girl.

Magical Girl[]


Princess Tempest

As a Magical Girl, Princess Tempest has light peach pink and creamy-white hair with bangs tied into two high pigtails on the top of her head. Her princess tiara has a white jewel that glows a green light resembling leaves. Princess Tempest's eyes are an olive-apple green. Her choker is decorated with leaves, and she also wears a golden apple earring on her right ear while other golden apples surround her pigtails.

Her outfit is mostly white with swirl designs on them. The leaves that protrude from both sides of her costume help her carry her weapons. There is a leaf garter on her left leg. On her wrists and ankles, she wears golden bracelets with a wind design on them.


Princess Tempest is a cheerful and energetic girl with good relations to her fellow Pure Elements, though she can sometimes get into friendly arguments with Princess Inferno. Given her age, she is prone to act childishly.


Fights enemies using the power of wind.

She possesses a unique giant boomerang. This boomerang can cause a large vacuum space in the edges where it flips, and it can even cut the body of a Magical Girl.

She has the power of wind, which allows her to fly using the wind force.

Due to her magic, she is quite speedy.

Special Move(s)[]

  • Ultimate Princess Explosion: This attack can be performed when there are two or more Artificial Magical Girls around. It is a powerful combination attack.

Special Item(s)[]

  • Princess Jewel: The jewelry used for Pure Elements' transformation with the incarnation, “Princess Mode: On!” After transformation, it becomes her tiara.
  • Tempest's Boomerang: Princess Tempest's weapon.


Princess Inferno[]

Princess Inferno and Princess Tempest know each other in real life and are both in the Pure Elements team. Princess Tempest is the friend of Princess Inferno's little sister. Inferno and Tempest are considered the most childish and reckless of the Pure Elements, though Inferno's reckless behavior even has Tempest looking after her at times. They often playfully bicker back and forth but care for one another.

Though untrue, Princess Tempest has suspicions that her crush, Shou Minamida, may have eyes for Princess Inferno. She goes to Princess Quake for advice on how to handle the situation.

Princess Quake[]

Princess Quake and Princess Tempest are both Pure Elements. Tempest will sometimes go to Quake for advice, given that Quake is the oldest member of the team.

Tempest is protected by Quake when they are both captured by Grim Heart and Joker Shufflin.

Princess Deluge[]

Princess Deluge and Princess Tempest are both Pure Elements. They are friendly towards each other, and Tempest would sometimes carry Deluge while flying.

Prism Cherry[]

Prism Cherry and Princess Tempest are both Pure Elements.

Inferno's Little Sister[]

Shou Minamida[]

Mei has a crush on Shou, but feels that she cannot talk to Shou due to their difference in age. When Mei becomes the Magical Girl Princess Tempest, she hopes that her more mature appearance can allow her to talk to and begin dating Shou.

Professor Tanaka[]

She was the one who gave Mei her tiara to turn into Princess Tempest.

Grim Heart[]

Princess Tempest is captured by Shufflin under orders from Grim Heart early on during the events of JOKERS. Initially planning to take her back to the Magical Kingdom, Grim Heart eventually has Tempest killed in a fit of anger after a fight with the other magical girls. Tempest would try crying and bowing her head in apology, but her attempts would go ignored.


Princess Tempest is both captured as well as killed by Shufflin.


Real Name[]

  • The name Mei means "ringing" (鳴).
  • Mei's surname Higashionna means "east" (東) (higashi), "favor, obligation" (恩) (on) and "settlement, obtain, reap, pay/payment, supply, store" (納) (na).


  • In Fanbook 1, Princess Tempest has the following stats:
    Physical Ability: 4/5
    Communication Skill: 3/5
    Magic Rarity: 3/5
    Magic Experience: 2/5
    Mental Strength: 2/5
    Energy: 4/5
  • Princess Tempest is a fan of the Cutie Healer Series.


V • T • E JOKERS Characters
Pure Elements Princess DelugePrincess InfernoPrincess Tempest
Princess QuakePrism Cherry
Magical Kingdom Department of Diplomacy Lady ProudUmbrain
Freelancers FilruUttakattaKafuria
Information Bureau Grim HeartShufflin
Inspection Department Snow WhiteFal
Others Marika FukuroiStyler MimiStanczyka
Minor Appearances The First Lapis Lazuline7753TepsekemeiManaPfleShadow GalePythie FredericaRipple

V • T • E Episodes Φ Characters
Unmarked (Arc 1) Snow WhiteMusician Of The Forest, CranberryFav
Restart Magical DaisyLapis LazulineKeekFalRagi Zwe Nento
Limited ManaHana GekokujouArchfiend Pam7753TepsekemeiRain PowPostarieTokoTot PopPukinSonia Bean
JOKERS Princess InfernoPrincess DelugePrincess QuakePrincess Tempest
Prism CherryMarika FukuroiFilruKafuria
ACES&QUEENS PatriciaPuk PuckUluruSorami NakanoPremium Sachiko
Others Shou MinamidaYoshiko YoshinouraSumireKokuriNeginoAuroTwin Dragons Panas

V • T • E Episodes Δ Characters
Unmarked (Arc 1) Snow WhiteLa PucelleTop SpeedRippleRulerSwim SwimYunaelMinaelMagicaloid 44Sister NanaWeiss WinterprisonCranberry
Hardgore AliceFav
Restart PechkaClantailRionettaNonako MiyokataShadow GalePfleLapis LazulineKeekFalLake of Fire Flame FlameyNokkoCherna Mouse
Limited ManaTepsekemei7753Archfiend PamHana Gekokujou
JOKERS Marika FukuroiStyler MimiLady ProudUmbrainUttakattaPrincess InfernoPrincess DelugePrincess QuakePrincess Tempest
ACES&QUEENS PatriciaMicchan the DictionaryGlassianneLethe
F2P Stella LuluFan Lit Fan
Others Yoshiko YoshinouraSumireTomoki TateharaTwin Dragons PanasMina Mad Gardener AcreMetallieTwin Stars Cutie AltairMaiyaBarter RankoSanae UtataneMol Mol MorguePuchideviCockle

V • T • E Circle of Life Characters
New Year and Tortoise Tepsekemei7753Mana
Flower Viewing Without Magical Girls Ruler
Princesses of the Beach Princess DelugePrincess InfernoPrincess QuakePrincess Tempest
Pechka Ponders Autumn Delights PechkaClantailRionettaNonako MiyokataTomoki Tatehara