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The crimson blaze, Princess Inferno!

— Princess Inferno - Catchphrase

Princess Inferno (プリンセス・インフェルノ), also known by her real name Akari Hiyama (緋山朱里), is one of the main protagonists of Magical Girl Raising Project: JOKERS.

She is a high school student who retired from the club due to past injury.



As a human, Akari is mentioned to have dyed bright brown hair that goes down to her shoulders and appears to be very gal-like. It is also mentioned that she is half a head taller than Koyuki Himekawa. She wears many loud and garish accessories and puts a huge focus on her eyelashes.

Magical Girl[]


Princess Inferno

As a Magical Girl, Princess Inferno has hair that starts out black but fades to red at the tips, with orange eyes. Her hair is styled into two flame-like pigtails. She wears a silver tiara with a sparkling red gem on it. She also wears black earrings with a red gem on them.

She wears a black and white choker with a tear-shaped ruby attached to it. She also wears a black two-piece outfit, the top having poufy white sleeves.

She wears black stockings, and boots striped red and black. She also has a black scorpion tail tipped red.

She wields a scimitar. It is mostly black, with an orange gem embedded in its blade. The bottom tip is barbed.


Despite being a high schooler, Princess Inferno is described to be young at heart and tends to act childishly to the point she is likened to Tempest's level by the other Pure Elements. She is very excitable and does not completely think everything through. Regardless of this, she is a passionate and fiery individual who prioritizes and cares deeply for others.

While she is a "gal" and puts much consideration into her appearance, she is also athletic and sporty and shows a lot of enthusiasm towards running.


Fights enemies using the power of fire.

She possesses a unique scimitar. This weapon emits heat that can evaporate a large amount of water in an instant and is strong enough to inflict damage to other Magical Girls.

She can also erupt fire from her own body. It is a shock-wave that can blow away the surrounding people.

Special Move(s)[]

  • Ultimate Princess Explosion: This attack can be performed when there are two or more Artificial Magical Girls around. It is a powerful combination attack.

Special Item(s)[]

  • Princess Jewel: The jewelry used for a Pure Elements' transformation. After transformation, it becomes a tiara.
  • Inferno's Scimitar (Former): Princess Inferno's scimitar. It attacks with fire. Snow White took it with her after Princess Inferno's passing.


Princess Tempest[]

Princess Inferno and Princess Tempest know each other in real life and are both in the Pure Elements team. Princess Tempest is the friend of Princess Inferno's little sister. Inferno and Tempest are considered the most childish and reckless of the Pure Elements. Inferno's reckless behavior even has Tempest looking after her at times. They often playfully bicker back and forth but care for one another.

Princess Quake[]

Princess Quake and Princess Inferno are both in the Pure Elements team. When Inferno first met Quake as Chiko, she considered her to look "unrefreshing."

Princess Deluge[]

Princess Deluge and Princess Inferno are both in the Pure Elements team. When Inferno first met Deluge as Nami Aoki, she considered her to look "refreshing." As they both licked Marika's special healing fruit one after the other, they now jokingly consider each other to be one another's first kiss.

Prism Cherry[]

Prism Cherry and Princess Inferno are both in the Pure Elements team.

Inferno's Little Sister[]

Marika Fukuroi[]

Styler Mimi[]

Lady Proud[]




Snow White[]

Princess Inferno and Snow White were childhood friends. After getting over the initial confusion of believing Snow White and the others who had come to the facility were invaders, Inferno is impressed and in awe of Snow White's reputation as the Magical Girl Hunter. She asked Snow White to continue hunting Magical Girls before she passed in her arms.

Grim Heart[]

Princess Inferno, along with Princess Quake, first encounter Grim Heart in the briefing room when trying to find Prism Cherry. The two would fight Grim Heart's Shufflins, and when the two performed the Ultimate Princess Explosion, Grim Heart was unaffected by the attack. Princess Quake then gave Princess Inferno an opportunity to escape from Grim Heart.

Later, when Princess Inferno was about to kill the Joker Shufflin, Grim Heart would step in and repel her attack.


Shou Minamida[]

Professor Tanaka[]

Professor Tanaka turned Princess Inferno into a Magical Girl.


Real Name[]

  • The name Akari means "vermilion red" (朱) (aka) and "village" (里) (ri).
  • Akari's surname Hiyama means "scarlet, dark red" (緋) (hi) and "mountain, hill" (山) (yama).


  • In Fanbook 1, Princess Inferno has the following stats:
    Physical Ability: 4/5
    Communication Skill: 4/5
    Magic Rarity: 1/5
    Magic Experience: 2/5
    Mental Strength: 4/5
    Hot-blooded: 4/5
  • In an interview, when asked to comment about Inferno, Maruino answered: “My sources of inspiration for her design were a scorpion and Vaisravana. I also really like bondage”.


V • T • E JOKERS Characters
Pure Elements Princess DelugePrincess InfernoPrincess Tempest
Princess QuakePrism Cherry
Magical Kingdom Department of Diplomacy Lady ProudUmbrain
Freelancers FilruUttakattaKafuria
Information Bureau Grim HeartShufflin
Inspection Department Snow WhiteFal
Others Marika FukuroiStyler MimiStanczyka
Minor Appearances The First Lapis Lazuline7753TepsekemeiManaPfleShadow GalePythie FredericaRipple

V • T • E Episodes Φ Characters
Unmarked (Arc 1) Snow WhiteMusician Of The Forest, CranberryFav
Restart Magical DaisyLapis LazulineKeekFalRagi Zwe Nento
Limited ManaHana GekokujouArchfiend Pam7753TepsekemeiRain PowPostarieTokoTot PopPukinSonia Bean
JOKERS Princess InfernoPrincess DelugePrincess QuakePrincess Tempest
Prism CherryMarika FukuroiFilruKafuria
ACES&QUEENS PatriciaPuk PuckUluruSorami NakanoPremium Sachiko
Others Shou MinamidaYoshiko YoshinouraSumireKokuriNeginoAuroTwin Dragons Panas

V • T • E Episodes Δ Characters
Unmarked (Arc 1) Snow WhiteLa PucelleTop SpeedRippleRulerSwim SwimYunaelMinaelMagicaloid 44Sister NanaWeiss WinterprisonCranberry
Hardgore AliceFav
Restart PechkaClantailRionettaNonako MiyokataShadow GalePfleLapis LazulineKeekFalLake of Fire Flame FlameyNokkoCherna Mouse
Limited ManaTepsekemei7753Archfiend PamHana Gekokujou
JOKERS Marika FukuroiStyler MimiLady ProudUmbrainUttakattaPrincess InfernoPrincess DelugePrincess QuakePrincess Tempest
ACES&QUEENS PatriciaMicchan the DictionaryGlassianneLethe
F2P Stella LuluFan Lit Fan
Others Yoshiko YoshinouraSumireTomoki TateharaTwin Dragons PanasMina Mad Gardener AcreMetallieTwin Stars Cutie AltairMaiyaBarter RankoSanae UtataneMol Mol MorguePuchideviCockle

V • T • E Circle of Life Characters
New Year and Tortoise Tepsekemei7753Mana
Flower Viewing Without Magical Girls Ruler
Princesses of the Beach Princess DelugePrincess InfernoPrincess QuakePrincess Tempest
Pechka Ponders Autumn Delights PechkaClantailRionettaNonako MiyokataTomoki Tatehara