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Pechka (ペチカ), also known by her real name Chika Tatehara (建原智香), is one of the main protagonists of Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart. She also makes a major appearance in Unripe Duet.

She is a middle school student suffering from several self-confidence issues who finds confidence in her Magical Girl form. She is also a member of Team Clantail.

Fav LNPechikaFalSpoiler(s) Below!
In Restart, It is eventually revealed that she is a survivor of one of Cranberry’s selection exams.
Unripe Duet details the events of her selection exam under Cranberry alongside her partner, Cappuchino.



As a human, Chika describes herself as having moles all over her body, and feels like her nose points too far upward. Her right and left breast do not match in size or shape, and her fingertips are thick and round. Chika says she is so bowlegged that her legs never touch, and feels she is too short despite how much milk she drinks. She also thinks her eyes could be bigger.

As seen in Episodes Δ, Chika has short dark hair, with a barrette pinning back some of her hair. She is seen wearing a plain long-sleeved t-shirt with a patterned apron overtop.

Her brother refers to her as "gangly" and assumes she is easily bullied.

Magical Girl[]

As a Magical Girl, Pechka has short blonde hair with reddish-brown tips, and she has a ponytail on the left side of her head, tied up with a tie with a red crosshair clip on it. She also has a white and black chef hat with a red feather on it. Her eyes are clear, light blue.

She wears a white, sleeved shawl with black buttons on the front and has a red, tie-like scarf around her neck. The shawl is long and looks much like a skirt at the bottom, though separated at the front. On the skirt part of the shawl are clusters of red balls with black stripes, resembling pumpkins (this design is repeated on her boots). On the trim of the shawl are frills and tan feathers. She has black cuffs and gold buttons on her sleeves. Beneath her shawl, she wears an off-white, swimsuit-like one-piece, which covers her stomach and part of her thighs. The trim on the one-piece is furry.

She wears light brown boots with black and red trim at the top and wears white leggings with black vertical stripes on each side, with a fluffy trim at the top. Her outfit appears to have a rooster-like tail on the back with a red bow on it.


Pechka is an insecure, timid, and shy girl. She believes herself to be uninteresting and lacking initiative.

However, upon becoming a beautiful Magical Girl, Pechka gathers enough confidence to approach her popular crush. She transforms from Chika to Pechka before removing her costume and dressing herself in civilian clothes. Pechka then visits her crush, Ninomiya-kun, during baseball practice with a meal she'd prepared using her magic. Unlike Chika, who she considers unattractive, Pechka is able to part the sea of female fans with ease, thus making Pechka feel important.

Upon joining the game, Pechka is adopted into Team Clantail solely because they were lacking a fourth member. The unique feeling of being prettier than the average girl has swept away the second she's put in a situation with other Magical Girls. Pechka is not skilled in fighting and deems her ability fruitless.

For a period of time, Pechka does not support her team and simply stands on the sidelines as they collect game currency. It's very obvious to her that they see her as a burden, and she makes no effort to break up Rionetta's and Nonako's constant squabbling.

It isn't until Team Clantail purchases a cooking pot that Pechka's true purpose makes itself known. She becomes the caretaker of the group and uses her magic to replenish her hungry teammates. Thanks to the delicious meals, they become very fond of her and, unlike earlier in the game, happily protect her without complaint.


Can create really delicious food.

Pechka's magic allows her to transform anything into food when touched by both of her hands for 5 minutes. Her magic works on anything, whether it is living or non-living.

The taste, as well as the type of food that she cooks, can be adjusted by Pechka. The only limit to this is that she cannot make food that she has no knowledge of. Also, if the target that will be transformed is too large, only part of that target will actually be transformed into food. She can only affect one target at a time.[1]

As a result of her magic, Pechka has an advanced olfactory sense, as she can use this to detect the target's location.

Special Item(s)[]

  • Spatula: Pechka's weapon in game. She also uses it to cook for her team.
  • Dishes and Pots: A pot that Pechka uses to cook.



Clantail and Pechka are both part of Team Clantail. Clantail initially accepted Pechka because her team needed another member to be complete.

Pechka often makes mental notes regarding Clantail's current animal transformation, deciding if it's cute or not. In the beginning, it is Clantail who is the kindest to Pechka. Pechka respects her as a leader. Whenever they sit down to have a meal, Pechka will look at Clantail's tail to see if it's wagging happily or not.

When Melville holds Pechka hostage, Clantail is the first to try and protect her. Near the end of the battle, Pechka sacrifices herself to save Clantail and peacefully passes, feeling that she finally protected someone.

After the events of Restart, Clantail visits Pechka's grave and sends money to Pechka's relatives. Clantail sometimes imagines how it would be if her teammates were still alive. She thinks that she and Pechka would be having fun with Pechka's dishes. Clantail decides that although she won't forget about them, the best thing she can do is to move on with her life and start becoming more sociable.

In breakdown, Clantail has since learned how to cook as a way of remembering Pechka. She told someone that the dishes from the food competition reminded her of a certain friend, and it can be assumed Pechka was that friend.


Rionetta and Pechka are both part of Team Clantail.

Rionetta makes it very known that she dislikes Pechka. Pechka shrinks away from Rionetta's sharp tongue. Although thinking Rionetta's doll-like appearance is cute, she still tries not to make her angrier than she already is and keeps her distance. It isn't until Pechka makes herself useful by catering delicious meals that Rionetta's treatment flips.

Rionetta later praises Pechka and says Pechka should become her personal chef. She will even bicker with Nonako regarding who's closer to Pechka in the group.

Nonako Miyokata[]

Nonako Miyokata and Pechka are both part of Team Clantail.

The two of them become closer once paired together for an excursion. Pechka feels somewhat better knowing Nonako isn't bothered having to protect her, though she feels Nonako's loud voice can be grating. Like Rionetta, Nonako eats Pechka's food and becomes very fond of her. She says that Pechka and herself are like sisters.

Detec Bell[]

Lapis Lazuline[]


Melville is uninterested in fighting Pechka since she views Pechka as weak. However, because Melville has a desire to fight Clantail, she holds Pechka hostage. Melville was initially indifferent towards Pechka, but after Pechka surprisingly proves to be an obstacle in Melville's fight between Clantail and Lapis Lazuline, Melville begins to hate her.

When Melville shoots an arrow at Clantail, Pechka moves to receive it and protect her friend. Melville ends up killing Pechka instead.

Cherna Mouse[]

Pechka and the other members of Team Clantail dislike Cherna Mouse for hogging land.

Shadow Gale[]



Musician Of The Forest, Cranberry[]

Pechka is a survivor of one of Cranberry's selection tests. Prior to the exam starting, Pechka had a positive opinion about Cranberry, and would even reach out to her with help on how to get along better with her partner, Cappuchino

When Cranberry eventually announced the deadly selection exam, Pechka was horrified. Pechka and Cappuchino would run from both Cranberry and the other magical girls within the exam, but Cranberry would ultimately catch up to them and end up fighting Cappuchino. Horrified by these actions, Pechka is frozen and unable to help her friend, even after thinking that she would be able to easily hurt Cranberry through sheer strength. Cranberry initially did not plan to let Pechka live, however following the final request of Miya Octave as well as Fav worrying about the Magical Kingdom prying, Cranberry would ultimately allow Pechka to be the victor.

Her memories are then wiped.


Fav helps Cranberry orchestrate the selection exam that Pechka participates in. When she reaches out to Cranberry to request help in how to get along better with Cappuchino, Fav is the one who ultimately ends up sending her advice. Pechka herself was unaware that Fav was the one to respond.


Pechka has a crush on Ninomiya-kun. She often brings food cooked with her magic for him to enjoy. Ninomiya-kun reminds Pechka of her friend who was killed during her selection test. Ninomiya-kun loves Pechka's food and it is implied that he likes Pechka, but not necessarily in a romantic way.


Pechka’s former magical girl partner and mentor. Pechka was assigned to Cappuchino by Fav. Pechka saw Cappuchino as very strong and brave, but also a bit scary, and doubted whether or not she would be a good partner for her. Pechka constantly messaged Cranberry for advice about what to do about their relationship.

During their selection exam, Cappuchino carries Pechka throughout the entirety of the exam. Once Cranberry shows up, Cappuchino yells at Pechka to run and sacrifices herself. Pechka is paralyzed with fear, however, and is forced to watch as Cappuchino is killed. Afterwards, Pechka has her memory wiped.

Even with her memory wiped, Pechka develops a crush on Ninomiya-kun due to him sharing many similarities with Cappuchino.

Tomoki Tatehara[]

Tomoki Tatehara is Chika's younger brother. They have a normal sibling relationship. Nevertheless, when Chika becomes involved with Ninomiya-kun, Tomoki is annoyed with her chore negligence.

During the events of Pechka Ponders Autumn Delights, Chika convinces her brother to taste some food she had created for her teammates within the digital world, which ends up confusing him due to the strange food combinations that Chika ended up making.

Miiya Octave[]

Although they do not interact, Miiya Octave asks Cranberry to keep Pechka alive, to which Cranberry agrees to do so.

Nomilina, Lord of the last Wave[]


Real Name[]

  • The name Chika means "wisdom, intellect" (智) (chi) and "fragrance, fragrant" (香) (ka).
    • Except for the last kanji, her name is almost identical to her younger brother’s.
  • Chika's surname Tatehara means "built/build" (建) (tate) and "field, plain, meadow" (原) (hara).


  • Pechka's name is derived from Pechka, a Russian oven.
  • In the First Character Popularity Vote, Pechka ranked #12.
  • According to the author, his favorite and saddest death scene is Pechka's.
  • In Fanbook 1, Pechka has the following stats:
    Physical Ability: 1/5
    Communication Skill: 2/5
    Magic Rarity: 3/5
    Magic Experience: 2/5
    Mental Strength: 2/5
    Maiden Level: 4/5



V • T • E Restart Characters
Team Clantail ClantailPechkaRionettaNonako Miyokata
Team Daisy Magical DaisyNokko@Meow-MeowGenopsyko Yumenoshima
Team Bell Detec BellLapis LazulineMelvilleCherna Mouse
Team Pfle PfleShadow GaleMasked Wonder
Others AkaneKeekFal
Minor Appearances Snow WhiteLake of Fire Flame FlameyPaletteRagi Zwe NentoMusician Of The Forest, CranberryFav

V • T • E Episodes Characters
Unmarked (Arc 1) Snow WhiteRippleLa PucelleTop SpeedRulerSwim SwimMinaelYunaelTamaNemurinCalamity MaryMagicaloid 44Sister Nana
Weiss WinterprisonMusician Of The Forest, CranberryHardgore AliceFav
Restart ClantailPechkaRionettaNonako MiyokataMagical DaisyNokko@Meow-MeowGenopsyko YumenoshimaDetec BellLapis LazulineMelville
Cherna MousePfleShadow GaleMasked WonderAkaneKeekPalette
Others Tomoki TateharaBeautiful Calamity MaryPixie KittenFairy Puppy
The First Lapis LazulineBluebell Candy

V • T • E Episodes Δ Characters
Unmarked (Arc 1) Snow WhiteLa PucelleTop SpeedRippleRulerSwim SwimYunaelMinaelMagicaloid 44Sister NanaWeiss WinterprisonCranberry
Hardgore AliceFav
Restart PechkaClantailRionettaNonako MiyokataShadow GalePfleLapis LazulineKeekFalLake of Fire Flame FlameyNokkoCherna Mouse
Limited ManaTepsekemei7753Archfiend PamHana Gekokujou
JOKERS Marika FukuroiStyler MimiLady ProudUmbrainUttakattaPrincess InfernoPrincess DelugePrincess QuakePrincess Tempest
ACES&QUEENS PatriciaMicchan the DictionaryGlassianneLethe
F2P Stella LuluFan Lit Fan
Others Yoshiko YoshinouraSumireTomoki TateharaTwin Dragons PanasMina Mad Gardener AcreMetallieTwin Stars Cutie AltairMaiyaBarter RankoSanae UtataneMol Mol MorguePuchideviCockle

V • T • E Circle of Life Characters
New Year and Tortoise Tepsekemei7753Mana
Flower Viewing Without Magical Girls Ruler
Princesses of the Beach Princess DelugePrincess InfernoPrincess QuakePrincess Tempest
Pechka Ponders Autumn Delights PechkaClantailRionettaNonako MiyokataTomoki Tatehara

V • T • E Reading Drama Characters
Unripe Duet Musician Of The Forest, CranberryMiiya OctaveTheremin DollPechkaCappuchinoMagical DaisyMarika FukuroiArchfiend PamFav
Snow White Raising Project Snow WhiteRipplePythie FredericaLake of Fire Flame Flamey
The Blue Magical Girl's Self-Assertion Blue Comet7753Tot PopYoshiokaBlue Comet's Mother
Double Shadow PfleShadow GaleEcho EX LanternZipstepArchfiend Pam