Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Wiki
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Mascot Icon

Cyber Fairies

Mascots (マスコットキャラクター) are creatures created by magic.

General Information[]


Mascots are responsible for finding potential Magical Girls in the human world. They can utilize a variety of ways to choose Magical Girls.

According to Styler Mimi, a Magical Girl with her mascot is seen as someone with high authority in the Magical Kingdom.


Cyber Fairies[]

Cyber Fairies are Mascots like Fav and Fal. They are black and white, resembling a goldfish, with one red eye and one black eye. Their default motion is bouncing left and right, and they can't seem to move any way else. They can't blink and move their mouth and their expression is always fixed, but they do contain emotion. Because of it, Magical Girls like Snow White are able to read their minds. They also tend to say "pon" at the end of their speech. They only exist in the Magical Phone or Administrator Phone and do not have a physical form. They are the newest type of Mascot.

They were abandoned and discarded after the events of Unmarked and were replaced by fairies, with Fal being an exception, as he was picked up and fixed by Keek. He was later passed on to Snow White and became a recurring character throughout the later arcs.

Animal Fairies[]

Animal Fairies are Mascots like Palette and Mees, whose appearances are similar to an actual animal, with the only difference being that Animal Fairies can talk and communicate.


Fairies are Mascots like Toko, whose appearance looks like a small, winged humanoid creature that resembles an actual fairy. They are noted to be very high in nutrition, when eaten one can receive a boost in their physical stats.


Unmarked Restart Limited F2P
Fav Fal Palette Toko Mees
Fav LN Fal Palette Toko Mees chibi

See the full list of Mascots.


V • T • ETerminology
Magical Terms MGRP (Franchise) • Magical GirlMageMascotDemonMagical AbilityMagical Daisy SeriesCutie Healer SeriesMGRP (Social Game) • Glossary
Affiliations Magical KingdomThree SagesCentral AuthorityMagical Girl Department
Archfiend Cram SchoolExperimental SiteAffiliations
Magical Items ItemsMagical PhoneMagical Candy

