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Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes Σ (魔法少女育成計画episodesΣ), also known as Episodes Sigma, is the 14th volume in the Magical Girl Raising Project Light Novel series.

This volume is the latest side novel and a collection of short stories that tells the lives of the Magical Girls throughout the franchise. A previously released short story, Snow White Raising Project, will be available to read in the book.


Official Translation[]

New magical girls on the scene means a new collection of short stories about their lives! Plus, you’ll get to read the bonus origin story Snow White Raising Project for the first time in print. Don't miss out on these episodes that are sure to add even more color and intrigue to the Magical Girl Raising Project series![1]


The Way of the Archfiend[]

The Way of the Archfiend (魔王の在り方)
Mao Pam Featuring Archfiend PamAmySlaylie, Complaints IncarnatedMonakoFaiFishfire BCStyler MimiLake of Fire Flame FlameyTwin Dragons PanasLady ProudMarika FukuroiVoid Roar FloditeDemon Swordmaster AlondiaHaughty Hierarch Cyphil
Taking place before the events Magical Girl Raising Project, numerous Archfiend Cram School alumni gather together in order to find a way to reach Archfiend Pam and convince her to get a copy of The Way of the Archfiend.

Magical☆Test of Courage[]

Magical☆Test of Courage (マジカル☆肝試し)
Featuring MinaelYunaelSnow WhiteSumireYoshiko YoshinouraRulerSwim SwimTamaTop SpeedNemurin
Prior to the events of Magical Girl Raising Project, Yunael and Minael notice changes within the rest of their group after a day of cleaning, and the two angels eventually decide to ask Top Speed for help. After her first suggestion didn’t work, they decide to throw Ruler a birthday party. Meanwhile, Koyuki joins her friends Sumire and Yoshiko in a test of courage, going to a seemingly haunted and worn down temple named Ouketsuji.

Magical Girl vs. Shark[]

Magical Girl vs. Shark (魔法少女 vs. 鮫)

Featuring Magicaloid 44Weiss WinterprisonLa PucelleShark
After pulling a magic growth-accelerating treat from her weapon rack, Magicaloid 44 decides to go fishing in an attempt to feed the treat to a fish, planning on using it to make some money. The greenling that she feeds the treat to ends up getting away, only to later be eaten by a great white shark. Later on, Weiss Winterprison, Sister Nana, and La Pucelle patrol the outer bank of the harbor in order to figure out how it had gotten demolished. They quickly discover the culprit: a large great white shark.

The Magical Girl in Black and the Lady Knight[]

The Magical Girl in Black and the Lady Knight (黒い少女と女騎士)


La PucelleHardgore Alice
Shortly before the events of Magical Girl Raising Project, La Pucelle goes on soccer camp. At night, she takes some pictures with her Cutie Healer keychain when she encounters Hardgore Alice, who she mistakes for a zombie. Terrified, she runs away as Alice gives chase, leading La Pucelle to try to chase her off, culminating in her causing an avalanche. In the end, Alice reveals she just wanted to return the keychain La Pucelle dropped and the two work together to clear the snow.

Festival Day[]

Festival Day (祭りの日)
Featuring Calamity MaryWeiss WinterprisonSister NanaLa PucelleMagicaloid 44RippleTamaTop SpeedSwim SwimMinaelYunael
During N-City’s Spring Festival, numerous magical girls, in their human forms, take interest in certain prizes from a target shooting stall. In the end, however, they all either resist their temptations or are unable to win due to the game being rigged. Afterward, it is revealed that what everyone saw was a special item from Magicaloid 44 that changes into whatever a person most desired, and that she worked with the stall owner to make some money.

Snow White Raising Project[]

Snow White Raising Project (スノーホワイト育成計画)
Volume 1.5-LN-318 Featuring Snow WhiteRipplePythie Frederica
Following the events of Magical Girl Raising Project, Pythie Frederica takes up the task of being Snow White's mentor, interested in why she continues being a Magical Girl after Cranberry's exam, and convinces Ripple to train the latter after discovering her ultimate goal: To get stronger. In the end, however, Frederica becomes obsessed with Snow White and tries to replicate Cranberry's exams, leading Snow White and Ripple to arrest her.

Shufflin Learns to Dance[]

Shufflin Learns to Dance (シャッフリンがおどってみた)
Shufflin Learns to Dance


CQ Angel HamuelShufflin Ⅱ
In order to improve the Osk’s Faction image, CQ Angel Hamuel is tasked with directing a viral video using Shufflins. After analyzing the top rated videos on various sites, Hamuel decides that Dancing Shufflins would be the best option.

The Archfiend Cram School’s Christmas Party from Hell[]

The Archfiend Cram School’s Christmas Party from Hell
Mao School's Hell Christmas Party Featuring LetheArchfiend PamCockleMina Mad Gardener AcreMol Mol MorgueNeginoAuroMaiyaLady ProudUmbrainTwin Dragons PanasTwin Stars Cutie AltairSnow WhiteRippleStyler MimiAmyMonakoMarika Fukuroi
Shortly after the events of Magical Girls Raising Project, famous Magical Girls and promising upstarts are invited to a christmas party. However, Archfiend Pam grows suspicious, as she is not the sponsor as written on the invitations, and asks Lethe to investigate. In the end though, Lethe realizes no one has any ill intent and the event is revealed to be have been organizated by Marika, Mimi, Amy, and Monako to cheer everyone up following the Cranberry Incident.

The Young Princess Nozomi Himeno[]

The Young Princess Nozomi Himeno (幼き姫ののぞみ)
Kuru-Kuru Hime Featuring Kuru-Kuru HimeNokkoPrincess Quake
Long before the events of Magical Girl Raising Project, Nozomi Himeno signs up for a seminar to improve her self-confidence about her youthful appearance. Upon showing up to the event, Nozomi finds that many other of the attendees also appear young in age. Quickly getting over her initial nervousness, Nozomi joins the activities in a very excited state. After it is revealed that those around Nozomi are in fact children, a guilty Nokko laments that with her magic, she had inadvertedly influenced everyone around her, enticing even the college-aged Nozomi to join in.

The Schoolyard Observer[]

The Schoolyard Observer (学び舎の観察者)
Observers of The School House Featuring Shadow GalePfle
A girl from a middle-class household enters a high school for the rich, and takes special interest in Kanoe Hitokouji. She begins observing her with the hopes of being able to get close to curry favors with the powerful. Though while doing that, the girl eventually takes special interest in Mamori Totoyama, and begins observing her as well. When Mamori confronts the girl over her seemingly watching Kanoe, the girl only just becomes more infatuated with Mamori, and wishes to solely observe her.

Class 2F's Bento Lunch Competition[]

Class 2F's Bento Lunch Competition (2年F組弁当合戦)
Featuring Mephis PhelesKumi-KumiClassical LillianThunder-General AdelheidRanyiNemurinPrincess LightningBeautiful Calamity MaryIdeal Sister NanaIdeal Weiss Winterprison
When the magical girl class 2-F is about to go on a field trip, Adelheid suggests making cool lunch boxes in order to impress the other groups after being inspired by Princess Lightning’s large rice ball. All of Group Two proceed to attempt to make their own box lunch, getting help from a variety of different sources. Though in the end, none of their boxed lunches end up looking particularly interesting.

Queens Preflop[]

Queen’s Preflop (クイーンズ・プレフロップ)
Puk Puck Featuring Puk PuckGrim HeartPfleShadow GaleUluruPremium SachikoSorami Nakano
Some time before the events of Magical Girl Raising Project JOKERS, Puk Puck goes to a Very Delicious Chocolate Fair and ends up being separated from her three protégés. She runs into Shadow Gale, who after realizing that Puk Puck’s magical phone isn’t working right, uses her magic ability to repair it. Puk Puck realizes that she’s met someone amazing and keeps Shadow Gale in mind for some future fun later.


V • T • EClick on the images to enlarge them.


  • The subtitle of this volume, Episodes Σ (pronounced as Sigma), comes from the Greek alphabet, Sigma.
  • As a commemoration for the release of the novel and the 10th anniversary, the physical version of the book has a reversible cover.
    • Additionally, people who have purchased a physical copy have a chance of winning an Acrylic stand of one of the characters. There will be 100 winners.
  • This is the longest Episodes book to date.
    • Furthermore, this Episodes book has the most illustrations.
  • This book features a reversible cover, which is themed after Archfiend Pam. The reversible cover is exclusive to JP.

External Links[]



V • T • E Magical Girl Raising Project
Main Novels Magical Girl Raising Project
Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart (Part 1)
Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart (Part 2)
Magical Girl Raising Project: Limited (Part 1)
Magical Girl Raising Project: Limited (Part 2)
Magical Girl Raising Project: JOKERS
Magical Girl Raising Project: ACES
Magical Girl Raising Project: QUEENS
Magical Girl Raising Project: Black
Magical Girl Raising Project: White
Magical Girl Raising Project: Red
Side Novels Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes
Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes Φ
Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes Δ
Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes Σ
Magical Girl Raising Project: Special Edition
Magical Girl Raising Project: Peaceful Days of 16 Magical Girls
Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown (Part 1)
Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown (Part 2)
TV Animation (List of Episodes) (Image Gallery) / BD/DVD Set
Magical Girl Raising Project Anime Opening
BR/DVD Magical Girl Raising Project BD/DVD Volume 1
Magical Girl Raising Project BD/DVD Volume 2
Magical Girl Raising Project BD/DVD Volume 3
Magical Girl Raising Project BD/DVD Volume 4
Musica Magica Musica Magica (Audio)
Magical Girl Raising Project Magical Girl Raising Project (1)
Magical Girl Raising Project (2)
Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart (1)
Magical Girl Raising Project: F2P Magical Girl Raising Project: F2P (1)
Magical Girl Raising Project: F2P (2)
Drama CD
Magical Girl Raising Project in Dreamland (Audio Drama)
Magical Broadcast Raising Project SIDE-D (Talk Show)
WEB Series
Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown
Magical Girl Raising Project: F2P
Short Stories
List of Web Short Stories / List of Bonus Short Stories
Stage Performances
Unripe Duet
Snow White Raising Project
The Blue Magical Girl's Self-Assertion
Double Shadow
Anime / Radio / Book / Others
Magical Girl Raising Project x Caster Chronicles
Magical Girl Raising Project x Toram Online
Magical Girl Raising Project x Gomaotsu
Fanbook Magical Girl Raising Project Fanbook
Magical Girl Raising Project Official Fanbook
TV Animation Magical Girl Raising Project Official Fanbook
Magical Girl Raising Project Anniversary Book
Others Glossary / Translated Stories