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Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes (魔法少女育成計画 episodes) is the 4th volume in the Magical Girl Raising Project Light Novel series.

This volume is a side novel and it's a collection of short stories that tells the lives of the 33 Magical Girls that appear in Magical Girl Raising Project and Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart prior to their respective arcs.



The Secret Lives of Magical Girls!
Thirty-three girls fought one another within the cruel games of Magical Girl Raising Project and Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart. But those are not the only stories the heroines have to tell! This collection of fifteen episodes takes a closer look at their exploits before and during their battles to the death, revealing the lighter side of their everyday lives, some unexpected connections, and, of course, a few extra clashes in between![1]


Nemurin's Adventure[]

Nemurin's Adventure (ねむりんの冒険)
Volume 4-LN-Inner-Cover Featuring NemurinSwim SwimFav
During the events of Magical Girl Raising Project, Nemurin helps people in their dreams. She eventually enters the dream of a little girl whom admires a princess and wants to be her attendant. Nemurin asks the girl if, rather than becoming an attendant, she would like to become a princess herself. Afterwards, Nemurin can't shake the feeling that she felt a bit strange seeing the girl's reaction

The Robot and the Nun[]

The Robot and the Nun (ロボットと修道女)
Volume 4-LN-020 Featuring Sister NanaMagicaloid 44Weiss WinterprisonLa Pucelle
Several weeks before the events of Magical Girl Raising Project, Sister Nana hires Magicaloid 44 to use her magic to produce an item that can turn her beloved into a Magical Girl. By continuously producing the wrong item, Magicaloid ends up making a fortune. Until, during one attempt, she actually does produce the item, resulting in the birth of the Magical Girl Weiss Winterprison.

Producing the Angels[]

Producing the Angels (天使をプロデュース)
Volume 4-LN-030 Featuring MinaelYunaelTamaRuler
A few weeks before the events of Magical Girl Raising Project, Minael and Yunael want to raise their popularity and turn to Tama for help. Tama suggests making an online commercial. In the end, the duo manages to raise their popularity to second place, after Snow White. Though not first place, the two are satisfied with this and invite Tama to their secret hideout as thanks.

Zombie Western[]

Zombie Western (ゾンビウェスタン)
Volume 4-LN-040 Featuring Hardgore AliceCalamity MaryFavSister NanaWeiss Winterprison
After saving Snow White from Magicaloid 44 during the events of Magical Girl Raising Project, Hardgore Alice is suddenly attacked by Calamity Mary, who wants to avenge Magicaloid 44. Mary continually tries to kill Alice, but her magic makes it impossible. In the end, Mary throws Alice into the ocean, but she still survives.

Magical Daisy, Episode Twenty-Two[]

Magical Daisy, Episode Twenty-Two (マジカルデイジー第二十二話)
Volume 4-LN-00e Featuring Magical DaisyPaletteKeekGenopsyko Yumenoshima
A few years before the events of Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart, Magical Daisy meets up with a producer to discuss the current state of her anime. Unbeknownst to Daisy, however, the executive was actually Keek in disguise, who wasn't fond of the mindset of Daisy and the current generation of Magical Girls, preferring that they do not use their powers for violence. Keek works with Magical Daisy on an upcoming episode of the anime, but it ends up being a flop.

A Cherna Christmas[]

A Cherna Christmas (チェルナー・クリスマス)
Featuring Cherna MouseTomoki TateharaPechkaNonako Miyokata
A few months before the events of Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart, Pechka's little brother encounters Cherna Mouse, who is looking for a Christmas present to give to someone. He helps her by giving her some of the Christmas food Pechka made. Afterwards, Anna Sarizae notices that her pet hamster now has a gift in her cage.

Wonder Dream[]

Wonder Dream (ワンダードリーム)
Volume 4-LN-070 Featuring NemurinMasked WonderBeautiful Calamity MaryLapis Lazuline
Masked Wonder's Classmate
One year after the events of Magical Girl Raising Project and a few months before Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart, Konomi Mita finds herself wondering how she's supposed to be a Magical Girl until one night she is approached by Nemurin in her sleep. She then helps train her for a while before parting ways. Afterwards, Konomi notes that her parents are currently out for the memorial service of her cousin, who is revealed to be Nemu Sanjou

@Meow-Meow @ N-City[]

@Meow-Meow @ N-City (娘々@N市)
Volume 4-LN-00g Featuring @Meow-MeowPixie KittenFairy PuppyFavMagicaloid 44RulerMinaelYunaelSnow WhiteLa PucelleSister Nana, Weiss WinterprisonMusician Of The Forest, CranberryGenopsyko Yumenoshima
One week before Magical Girl Raising Project, @Meow-Meow visits N-City to deliver the newest model of magical phones for the Magical Girls there. However, she continuously remembers her two deceased friends, and decides to retire as a Magical Girl. A year later, when she's pulled into a game, she meets Genopsyko Yumenoshima. Seeing someone who reminds her of her friends, @Meow-Meow decides to try forming a bond with someone again.

Come play with Top Speed[]

Come play with Top Speed (トップスピードと遊ぼう)
Volume 4-LN-090 Featuring Top SpeedSwim SwimRulerMinaelYunaelTamaRipple
Magicaloid 44Shoichi Murota
Three weeks before the events of Magical Girl Raising Project, Swim Swim, in danger of being late, contacts Top Speed to give her a ride to her meeting with the rest of Team Ruler.

Akane and the Happy Magical-Girl Family[]

Akane and the Happy Magical-Girl Family (アカネと愉快な魔法少女家族)
Volume 4-LN-110 Featuring AkaneAyako FuwaAoi FuwaAsagi FuwaAi Fuwa
Musician Of The Forest, CranberryFav
One year before the events of Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart, Akane and her family are transformed into Magical Girls. The others want to use their new power to their own benefit, forcing Akane to stop them.

Knight on the Day of the Offline Meetup[]

Knight on the Day of the Offline Meetup (オフの日の騎士)
Volume 4-LN-120 Featuring La PucelleGenopsyko YumenoshimaMelvilleCanossaMisoyaki
A few months before the events of Magical Girl Raising Project, Souta attends a meeting with other fans of Magical Girl media as La Pucelle in disguise. On the way back he gets into trouble with a pervert, but is helped by Genopsyko Yumenoshima and Melville.

The Case of the Missing Beef: The Maid Saw It[]

The Case of the Missing Beef: The Maid Saw It (牛肉消失事件~メイドさんは見た~)
Detick Bell Nokko-chan Featuring Detec BellNokko
One year before the events of Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart, Detec Bell gets assigned a job as a counselor at the school camp that Nokko attends. Both Magical Girls try to use their magic to make the camping trip more fun, with mixed results.

Magical Illegal Girl[]

Magical Illegal Girl (マジカルイリーガルガール)
Featuring RippleRionettaMusician Of The Forest, CranberryTop SpeedPfle
Pfle's Grandfather
A few weeks before Magical Girl Raising Project, Rionetta travels to N-City to collect money to help pay off her father's debt with the mafia. However, she ends up getting into a fight with Ripple.

Memories of the Blue Magical Girl[]

Memories of the Blue Magical Girl (青い魔法少女の記憶)
Lapis Lazuline Featuring The First Lapis LazulineThe Second Lapis LazulineThe Third Lapis LazulineMiharu YatsuPfle's Grandfather
Two years after the events of Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart, a girl recounts her encounter with The Second Lapis Lazuline. However, she then has her memories of her erased by The Third Lapis Lazuline, who was acting under the orders of The First Lapis Lazuline.

Clantail's Friends[]

Clantail's Friends (クランテイルさんの友達)
Clantail Featuring ClantailPfleShadow Gale
Right after the events of Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart, Clantail is still grieving over the deaths of her comrades. However, she realizes that the best way for her to honor their memory, as well as realizing that she still has other friends when Shadow Gale requests to stay over at her house.


V • T • EClick on the images to enlarge them.

External Links[]

  • Click here to read the Fan Translation by PlatFleece
  • Click here to read the Fan Translation by MGRPTranslation


  1. Taken from the back of Episodes’ physical novel.


V • T • E Magical Girl Raising Project
Main Novels Magical Girl Raising Project
Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart (Part 1)
Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart (Part 2)
Magical Girl Raising Project: Limited (Part 1)
Magical Girl Raising Project: Limited (Part 2)
Magical Girl Raising Project: JOKERS
Magical Girl Raising Project: ACES
Magical Girl Raising Project: QUEENS
Magical Girl Raising Project: Black
Magical Girl Raising Project: White
Magical Girl Raising Project: Red
Side Novels Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes
Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes Φ
Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes Δ
Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes Σ
Magical Girl Raising Project: Special Edition
Magical Girl Raising Project: Peaceful Days of 16 Magical Girls
Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown (Part 1)
Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown (Part 2)
TV Animation (List of Episodes) (Image Gallery) / BD/DVD Set
Magical Girl Raising Project Anime Opening
BR/DVD Magical Girl Raising Project BD/DVD Volume 1
Magical Girl Raising Project BD/DVD Volume 2
Magical Girl Raising Project BD/DVD Volume 3
Magical Girl Raising Project BD/DVD Volume 4
Musica Magica Musica Magica (Audio)
Magical Girl Raising Project Magical Girl Raising Project (1)
Magical Girl Raising Project (2)
Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart (1)
Magical Girl Raising Project: F2P Magical Girl Raising Project: F2P (1)
Magical Girl Raising Project: F2P (2)
Drama CD
Magical Girl Raising Project in Dreamland (Audio Drama)
Magical Broadcast Raising Project SIDE-D (Talk Show)
WEB Series
Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown
Magical Girl Raising Project: F2P
Short Stories
List of Web Short Stories / List of Bonus Short Stories
Stage Performances
Unripe Duet
Snow White Raising Project
The Blue Magical Girl's Self-Assertion
Double Shadow
Anime / Radio / Book / Others
Magical Girl Raising Project x Caster Chronicles
Magical Girl Raising Project x Toram Online
Magical Girl Raising Project x Gomaotsu
Fanbook Magical Girl Raising Project Fanbook
Magical Girl Raising Project Official Fanbook
TV Animation Magical Girl Raising Project Official Fanbook
Magical Girl Raising Project Anniversary Book
Others Glossary / Translated Stories