Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Wiki
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Magical Ability, or Magic (魔法) is a unique skill that every Magical Girl possesses upon their first transformation.

Magical Girl[]

Each Magical Girl has a special ability that is unique to them. Some magical abilities require the user to have their magical item in order to use it effectively, while others can be used by anyone in possession of their magical item. Depending on the magic, some of its effects can last permanently, even if the user is deceased. On certain occasions, magical abilities have been shown to evolve or change depending on the user's personality and experience level.


Unlike a Magical Girl, a Mage does not possess a unique ability. Instead, they are compensated by being able to perform a variety of rituals and spells, along with a variety of magical items and other forms of magic.

List of Magic[]

Magical Girl[]

Note: Items used in this context refer to the items that are required in order for a Magical Girl to use her magic.

Magical Girls Magic Magical Items

Unmarked (Arc 1)

Snow White Can hear the thoughts of those in need N/A
Ripple Can throw shuriken that always hit their target Shuriken and Kunai[1]
La Pucelle Can change the size of her sword at will La Pucelle's Sword
Top Speed Uses a broomstick to fly at high speeds Rapid Swallow
Ruler Can order those directly in front of her to do anything Scepter
Swim Swim Can pass through any object like it's water N/A
Minael Can transform into any object
Yunael Can transform into any creature
Tama Can quickly open holes in anything
Nemurin Can enter others' dreams
Calamity Mary Can power up the weapons she wields Magical Weapons
Magicaloid 44 Receives one useful futuristic tool a day Magical Tools
Sister Nana Can draw out any person's power to its fullest N/A
Weiss Winterprison Can create walls anywhere
Cranberry Can freely manipulate sound
Hardgore Alice Can quickly heal any wound


Pechka Can create really delicious food N/A
Clantail Can transform the lower half of her body into different animals
Rionetta Can manipulate dolls with her thoughts
Nonako Miyokata Can make friends with any animal
Magical Daisy Can shoot lethal Daisy Beams
Nokko Can change the feelings of those around her
@Meow-Meow Can trap things inside paper talismans Scrolls
Genopsyko Can block any attack with her magical suit Magical Suit
Detec Bell Can talk to buildings N/A
Lapis Lazuline Can use gems to teleport  Gemstones
Melville Can change her color at will N/A
Cherna Mouse Can make herself really big
Pfle Uses a magical wheelchair to race at intense speeds Magical Wheelchair
Shadow Gale Can power up machines by modifying them Wrench and Scissors
Masked Wonder Can change any object's weight N/A
Akane Can cut anything she sees  Japanese Sword
Keek Can do whatever she wants within her personal cyberspace  N/A
Flame Flamey To manipulate flames


Weddin If you make a promise, she can make sure you keep it N/A
Captain Grace Can summon a really cool magic pirate ship
Funny Trick Can swap a hidden thing with another hidden thing
Kuru-Kuru Hime Can control many ribbons Magical Ribbons
Postarie Can send any item back to its owner N/A
Rain Pow Can materialize rainbow bridges
Tepsekemei Can become one with the wind to go anywhere
Hana Gekokujou Can make senses incredibly sharp
7753 Uses magic goggles that tell her all about her targets Magical Goggles
Archfiend Pam Uses her four large black wings to fight N/A
Pythie Frederica Can reflect whoever she wants in her crystal ball Crystal Ball
Tot Pop Can materialize music notes with her magic guitar Magical Guitar
Pukin Can change the thoughts of anyone she stabs with her magic sword Magical Sword
Sonia Bean Can make whatever she touches crumble to bits N/A


Princess Inferno Fights enemies using the power of fire N/A
Princess Deluge Fights enemies using the power of water
Princess Quake Fights enemies using the power of earth
Princess Tempest Fights enemies using the power of wind
Prism Cherry Can transform the reflections in her mirror Mirror[2]
Filru Can sew anything together with her magic needle and thread Magical Needle and Thread
Uttakatta Can make mysterious bubbles Magical Straw
Kafuria Knows who will be the soonest to die N/A
Lady Proud Can turn her own blood into whatever liquid she likes
Umbrain Uses a magic umbrella that can block anything Magical Umbrella
Marika Fukuroi Can make various magic flowers bloom from her head Plant Seeds
Styler Mimi Can use magic outfits to alter a person's appearance Makeup Tools
Grim Heart Ignores those without proper manners N/A
Shufflin Her powers change depending on various suits and numbers
Stanczyka Astonishes people with magic performances


Dark Cutie Can manipulate shadows and silhouettes as if they’re real N/A
Micchan the Dictionary Can change whatever she’s holding into something else Any Objects[3]
Glassianne Can see all sorts of places with her magical glasses Magical Glasses
Bluebell Candy Makes magical candies that can alter your feelings Magical Candy
Uluru Is very good at lying Toy Cork Gun
Sorami Nakano Knows what’s inside things without opening them up Nunchaku
Premium Sachiko Can make someone incredibly lucky for a short while Contract
Armor Arlie The more hits she takes, the stronger she gets N/A
Patricia Can render any enemy powerless with her magic handcuffs Magical Handcuffs
CQ Angel Hamuel Can speak directly into people’s heads Magical Radio
Communication Device
Shufflin Ⅱ Her powers change depending on various suits and numbers N/A
Princess Deluge Fights enemies using the power of ice. Trident


Puk Puck Can make friends with anyone N/A
Lethe Confounds her opponents' sense of distance


Calkoro[4] Calculates and fights using her magical abacus Magical Abacus
Tetty Goodgripp Can grab anything with her magic mittens Magical Mittens
Miss Ril Can change her body into different metals N/A
Rappy Taype Can preserve anything with her magical wrap Magical Wraps
Drill Dory Can dig through anything and everything with her magic drill Magical Drill
Mepis Pheles Her sweet words will corrupt your heart N/A
Kumi-Kumi Can destroy objects and reassemble them Kumi-Kumi's Pickaxe
Kana Ask her a question, and she'll know the answer N/A
Classical Lillian Knits whatever she pleases with her magic knitting machine Magical Knitting Machine
Adelheid Can reuse absorbed energy Adelheid's Saber
Princess Lightning Fights enemies with the power of lightning N/A
Diko Narakunoin Can momentarily disappear Magical Medallion
Sally Raven Can create raven familiars N/A
Pshuke Prains Fights using her magic water gun Magical Watergun
Ranyi Can connect one door to another N/A


The First Lapis Lazuline Her eyes can see the true nature of things N/A
Love Lulu Releases the power hidden in stones Gemstones


Kashiki-akarukushi-hime Can control multiple magical crystal balls Magical Crystal Balls
Asmona Releases spores from her mushroom hat Mushroom Hat


Alma To pull out the opponent's manual N/A
Spinon To use the protean magical yo-yo Magical Yo-Yo
Stella Lulu To master any tool instantly Any Items[5]
Sera Sera To make it that there is no death of a person N/A
Lala Luna TBA TBA
Melty Pane To use magical gloves to change the flow of time Magical Gloves
Juube To show the truth with a magical pen Magical Pen
Puppeta To talk to a magical puppet Magical Puppet
Amy To make clones of herself N/A
Monako To create a space that only holds two people with magical khakkhara
Fan Lit Fan To use a magical iron fan Magical Iron Fan
Jelly Marie To act like the ground is water N/A


Miss Marguerite Can bend straight objects N/A
Love Me Ren-Ren Anyone she shoots with her magic bow will fall head over heels in love Crossbow
Pastel Mary Can materialize the sheep she draws with pastels N/A
Nephilia Can hear the voices of dead people
Dreamy☆Chelsea Can freely control stars Magical Wand
Clarissa Toothedge Knows the location of any object she’s bitten N/A
Rareko Can fix things that are broken Any Components[6]
Maiya Fights with a magic staff that beats liars Magical Iron Staff
Francisca Francesca Fights with the mysterious axes she carries in both hands Golden and Silver Axes

Unripe Duet

Miiya Octave Can play a variety of instruments in many tunes to tug at your heartstrings Magical Instrument[7]
Theremin Doll Can contact anyone with her magical flip phone Magical Flip Phone

Double Shadow

Zipstep Stops movement when stepping on your shadow. N/A
Echo EX Lantern Lets light shine from her Magical Lantern. Magical Lantern


Twin Dragons Panas She can manipulate the dragon emblems drawn on her hands N/A
Auro To use a magical afro
Negino To generate an onion's smell
Cockle To go through any gaps regardless of size
Metallie To generate metallic product from her body at a very fast speed
Mina Mad Gardener Acre To use a magical murder lawnmower that can run with tremendous speed Magical Murder Lawnmower
Kokuri-chan To freely move coins Any Coins


Mages, unlike Magical Girls, do not have their own unique magical ability, they instead use magical items and perform rituals to cast their magic.

Mages Magical Items seen using


Mana Various magical items such as a Fire Staff, a Magical Smoke Grenade, Healing Medicine, and a Magical Rope. The clothes she is seen wearing are also magical items.


Halna Midi Meren Magical Contract


Wen Heizwald N/A


Ragi Zwe Nento N/A
Yol Cards
John Shepherdspie Magical Staff
Agrielreymwaed Quarky N/A
Navi Ru


V • T • E
  1. Her magic also works on anything she throws.
  2. Although she carries a mirror, she does not necessarily need her mirror in order to use her magic but rather any surface that have a reflection aka, a mirror
  3. She can only change non-living objects.
  4. Calkoro is also a mage, meaning she can use magical items and performs rituals and spells while untransformed.
  5. She can master both magical and non-magical items.
  6. The components must be related to the thing she's repairing.
  7. Her magical instrument can transform into many different instruments, such as cymbals and pianos. She can mind control anybody who hears it.
  8. It is unknown what Magical ability Eljeena had as an artificial Magical Girl.


V • T • ETerminology
Magical Terms MGRP (Franchise) • Magical GirlMageMascotDemonMagical AbilityMagical Daisy SeriesCutie Healer SeriesMGRP (Social Game) • Glossary
Affiliations Magical KingdomThree SagesCentral AuthorityMagical Girl Department
Archfiend Cram SchoolExperimental SiteAffiliations
Magical Items ItemsMagical PhoneMagical Candy

