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Kana (カナ) is one of the main protagonists of Magical Girl Raising Project: Black, Magical Girl Raising Project: White, and Magical Girl Raising Project: Red.

She is an alleged convict who was sent to study at Umemizaki Middle School's Magical Girl Class as part of a reeducation program sponsored by Caspar's Faction, becoming a member of the class' Group 2.

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In White, it is revealed that she is actually Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami (ラツムカナホノメノカミ)), the incarnation of Caspar・Vim・Hop・Seuk, having been brainwashed by Pythie Frederica.
In Red, having regained her memories, she rushes into the battle with Frederica and Old Blue's forces while also working to free her brainwashed classmates.



It is unknown what Kana's human form looks like, as she remains in her Magical Girl form at all times. However, Calkoro assumes that she is not actually a middle schooler untransformed.

Magical Girl[]

Kana has messy silvery hair in many buns and knots atop her head. Her eyes are a very pale blue color, and she has a subtle pink eyeshadow on her eyelids.

She wears a ripped dark pink sukeban outfit with a long black ribbon tied around her neck. Her long-sleeved jacket is studded and hangs off of her shoulders. Attached to the top of her uniform's sleeves are a silver spiked ball and chain that hangs down to her knees. In one of her hands is a brass knuckle. In some parts, her uniform is torn. This is most notably seen in her skirt, which has a tear going up to Kana’s thighs.

Kana wears white uwabaki with red tips.

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As Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami, she is described as having overflowing, silvery bundles of hair with colorfully patterned braids. Her braids are so plentiful that they cover her eyes, mouth, and her costume, making it hard to see her kimono. It is said that even though you can't see her clearly, she is so beautiful that it's easy to tell that she's a Magical Girl.

As seen on the Cover of White, Her silvery hair is tied into numerous buns and braids. She has four red dots on her forehead resembling a diamond. She also wears a choker with an accessory shaped like the planet Saturn. She wears a silver kimono.


Kana comes off as being socially awkward and lacking in common sense, not understanding metaphors and taking everything literally. Also, due to her memories being sealed, she is rather curious about the world, quickly becoming immersed in everything that catches her attention, which often causes problems for others. During Kana's time at Umemizaki, Kana is shown to care for her classmates, and even goes far not to directly kill the Princess Lightning clones as they have the face of her friend.

Kana has shown to be intelligent, quickly going over all the options in any given situation and picking what seems like the most optimal decision to her. However, when put into a situation where the answer isn't clear, she completely shuts down.

She later develops a habit of constantly quoting manga after Mephis Pheles got her addicted.

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As Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami, Kana's personality is more-or-less the same. While briefly experiencing an identity crisis after regaining her memories, she swiftly concluded that "[she] is both Kana and Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami".


Ask her a question, and she'll know the answer.

Kana can ask someone a question and whatever that person believes her answer to be true will appear in her head. Because of this, if her target is lying but believes that the lies are the truth, it will still pop up in her head. As such, the answer may not always be correct.

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During the events of Red, after regaining her memories as Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami, Kana realizes that she does not actually need to ask someone a question for an answer, and can instead ask questions to herself in her mind.
Being a Sage, Kana also possesses physical abilities far surpassing those of ordinary Magical Girls, capable of tearing the supposedly "untearable" Umemizaki Middle School uniform with ease and being unfaced upon being electrocuted by Princess Lightning.
Kana is also one of the few magical girls who are also Mages. Though initially only having vague knowledge on magic contracts due being brainwashed; after regaining her memories, she became capable of using highly advanced spells capable to gravely injuring even Sages.

Special Item(s)[]

  • Brass Knuckle / Knuckleduster: A weapon that is good for close combat. It was given to her by Mephis Pheles.
  • Chained Ball: A weapon that is good for long range combat. It was also given to her by Mephis Pheles.


Pythie Frederica[]

Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami and Pythie Frederica, as Yoshioka, work with the Osk Faction to stop Puk Puck in QUEENS. Though they are presented to be working together in QUEENS, Yoshioka is blatantly negectful of Ratsumu's care and doesn't care much for her, dragging her around on a chain blinded, gagged, and bound. Yoshioka also refers to Ratsumu as "luggage" and "that thing", something that startles even CQ Angel Hamuel.

At some point prior to the events of Black, Ratsumu is put into the Magical Girl Prison. She looses her memories, forgetting her name and status as an incarnation. Eventually, she is freed by Yoshioka, who ends up gifting her a school uniform and informing her that she will be transferring to Umemizaki Private Academy. Yoshioka also helps her recall some of her lost memories, such as the name Kana. As she does not remember being named anything else, Ratsumu moves forward with calling herself and being referred to as Kana.

While at Umemizaki, Pythie Frederica keeps a close eye on Kana as well as informs her of the eventual raid on the school. Eventually, it is revealed that Pythie had hidden away Kana's memories using Pukin's rapier, and had intended to drive away the Caspar soul by sending Kana to school. Pythie eventually undoes the magic from the rapier, leading to Kana regaining her memories.

Halna Medhi Melen[]

Halna is the headmistress of Umemizaki Middle School, which Kana attends. Kana tries to be friendly towards her, despite the latter's prejudice towards her due to her criminal record. Halna is also the person Kana tends to turn to for information or when she is having a problem.


Calkoro is Kana's teacher. She tries to be friendly towards her, seemingly unware of the fact that Calkoro is terrified of her due to her criminal record.


Kumi-Kumi and Kana are in the same class group and are members of the Caspar's Faction. As Kana did not bring anything to her class, her classmate Kumi-Kumi shared her textbook with her. During a private conversation with Mephis, Kana revealed that she views Kumi-Kumi and the other Group 2 members as her "children".

Princess Lightning[]

Princess Lightning asked Kana to use her magic on her which the latter decline due to multiple reasons.

In Red, after regaining her memories, Kana would challenge numerous Princess Lightning bodies to a fight. She easily knocks them and their attacks away, but holds back due to not wanting to kill someone who shared a face with her friend.

Mephis Pheles[]

Kana and Mephis Pheles are in the same class group and are members of the Caspar's Faction. At first, Mephis Pheles and Kana do not get along, with the latter often being annoyed by the former's aloof behavior. After they were forced to live together by the principal, however, the two began bonding ever their common interest in Manga, though Mephis continued to be annoyed with Kana on occasion. During a private conversation with Mephis Pheles, Kana revealed that she views her and the other Group 2 members as her "children".

Classical Lillian[]

Kana and Classical Lillian are in the same class group and are members of the Caspar's Faction. During a private conversation with Mephis Pheles, Kana revealed she that views Classical Lillian and the other Group 2 members as her "children".

Thunder-General Adelheid[]

Kana and Thunder-General Adelheid are in the same class group. During a private conversation with Mephis, Kana revealed that she views Adelheid and the other Group 2 members as her "children".

In Red, after regaining her memories, Kana intercepts a fight between Adelheid and numerous Princess Lightning bodies. She kicks Adelheid away, telling her to run while challenging the Lightnings to fight her instead. Despite acting coldly to Adelheid in that moment, Kana quotes manga she had read with Mephis, subtly letting Adelheid know that she was still the Kana that Group 2 had grown to know.

Diko Narakunoin[]

Kana and Diko Narakunoin are both members of the Caspar's Faction.

Snow White[]

Kana believes the Magical Girl Hunter transferred to Umemizaki to keep an eye on her. Having grown to care for her new classmates, Kana in turn inwardly requested Snow White to take her out if she ever becomes a threat, much to the latter's confusion.

Magical Girl Class[]

Kana is part of the Magical Girl Class.

Caspar's Faction[]

Puk Puck[]

Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami and Puk Puck are fellow sages.

In Queen and Detective Tea Time, Ratsumu and Puk Puck are shown to be energetically conversing with one another about anime that Lethe told Puk Puck about. They seem to get along better than Ratsumu and Grim Heart due to Grim Heart's unsociable personality.

Grim Heart[]

Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami and Grim Heart are fellow sages.

Ratsumu does not talk much to Grim Heart, mostly due to Grim Heart's stubborn insistence to not talk to Ratsumu in the first place. Ratsumu is later very interested in the story Grim Heart tells her about her adventures with Detec Bell.

During the incident where the Umemizaki's homunculi went out of control, Kana crossed paths with a homunculi Grim Heart. Despite her memories being erased, Kana somehow knew who she was and that she did not stand a chance against her, causing her to flee in the opposite direction.


During the events of QUEENS, Lethe and Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami work together to stop Puk Puck's plans. They do not directly speak, as Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami is bound during their interactions. Lethe refers to her as 'Ratsumu' during their talks.

In Queen and Detective Tea Time, it is implied the two of them had met before during meetings between the incarnations. Ratsumu notable takes interest in an anime that Lethe had told Puk Puck about.

Detec Bell[]

Misty Rouge[]


  • Kana's name is written in katakana (カナ), which has no special meaning.


  • According to Calkoro, Kana's age might not be in the range of a middle school student as she is a prisoner.
  • The Brass Knuckle that Mephis gave her was named after the manga they were reading,
    "Scrap Metal Knuckleduster"
  • Kana was already heavily theorized to be Ratsumukanahonomenokami by fans before its confirmation in White; the evidence included:
    • Her name and her appearance being similar to QUEENS' description of Ratsumukanahonomenokami.
    • Being able to tear the Umemizaki Middle School uniform, which was supposedly untearable according to Pythie Frederica.
    • Ratsumukanahonomenokami disappearing after Pythie took over her faction, as stated by Halna.
    • Kana somehow recognizing Grim Heart upon running into her homunculi copy.
  • Despite having amnesia, her memories aren't completely gone as she could still remember some information such as a contract, certain people within a faction or department.
  • Sometimes she has a tendency to blurt out her thoughts.
  • It is suspected that Pythie was the one who saved her when she was trapped in Bella Lace’s magic during the end of the second mock battle.
  • Kana does not know her age.
  • In the e-book exclusive afterword of QUEENS, it is stated that Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami is the incarnation that has a personality closest to a normal person.


V • T • E QUEENS Characters
Puk Faction Puk PuckSnow WhiteShadow GaleArmor Arlie
Osk Faction LetheCQ Angel HamuelShufflin Ⅱ
Inspection Division ManaUluru
Magical Girl Resources Division PfleDark CutieGlassiannePrincess DelugeBluebell Candy
Minor Appearances FalBlade BrendaCannon CatherineYoshiokaThe First Lapis LazulineRatsumukana-honome-no-kami

V • T • E Black Characters
Class 2-F Group 1 Tetty GoodgrippMiss RilRappy TaypeArc ArlieDrill Dory
Group 2 Mephis PhelesKanaKumi-KumiClassical LillianThunder-General Adelheid
Group 3 Pshuke PrainsPrincess LightningDiko NarakunoinSally RavenRanyi
Others CalkoroSnow White
Minor Appearances Princess DelugeHalna Medhi MelenPythie FredericaUluru
Blade BrendaCannon CatherineThe First Lapis LazulineThe Third Lapis LazulineMarika FukuroiYoshiko YoshinouraMiss Satou
Shadow Homunculi Shadow PukinShadow Calamity MaryShadow Grim Heart
Shadow Sonia BeanShadow MelvilleShadow AkaneShadow CranberryShadow Flame Flamey

V • T • E White Characters
Class 2-F Group 1 Tetty GoodgrippMiss RilRappy TaypeArc ArlieDrill Dory
Group 2 Mephis PhelesKanaKumi-KumiClassical LillianAdelheid
Group 3 Pshuke PrainsPrincess LightningDiko NarakunoinSally RavenRanyi
Others CalkoroSnow WhiteHalna Midi Meren
Magical Kingdom Team Lazuline Old BlueThe Third Lapis LazulineLove LuluRipple
Caspar Faction Pythie FredericaAsmona
Team Deluge Princess DelugeBlade BrendaCannon Catherine
Minor Appearances JuubePuppetaUluruMarika FukuroiManaRagi Zwe NentoAmyMonakoMiss SatouChimiera KakuryoCindy NeckchopperCota RialTateru AmamiyaThe Black Knight GuinnefirraShock SingerSilent Wave

V • T • E Three Sages
Osk's Faction Leader Chêne・Osk・Baal・Mel / (Grim Heart) (Former) • Lethe
Members CQ Angel HamuelShufflinShufflin ⅡHalna Midi MerenRagi Zwe Nento (Former) • Navi Ru (Former)
Puk's Faction Leader Av・Lapati・Puk・Baltha / (Puk Puck) (Former)
Members Uluru (Former) • Premium SachikoSorami Nakano
Pshuke Prains (Former)
Caspar's Faction Leader Caspar・Vim・Hop・Seuk / (Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami)
Members Pythie FredericaKumi-KumiClassical LillianMephis PhelesKanaDiko Narakunoin