Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Wiki
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Kafuria (カフリア), also known by her real name Kokoro Kimura (木村心), is one of the main protagonists of Magical Girl Raising Project: JOKERS.

She is a Freelancer who teams up with Filru and Uttakatta.



Kafuria's human form is never revealed, since she stays in her Magical Girl form at all times.

Magical Girl[]

Kafuria Full


As a Magical Girl, Kafuria has short, shiny black hair that flicks up at the end, which also has two long strands of hair that are connected to a flower, which looks similar to a daffodil, on her outfit, and and at the end has something similar to pale pink Muscari flowers attached to each strand.

She wears a short, black veil that has rose designs at the end, a flower design in the center of her veil that resembles a red spider lily and has white peonies at the top.

It’s unknown what Kafuria’s face looks like, but she has fair-toned skin.

She wears a black dress that seems to be a modified version of a kimono, with a white shoulder pad and a metallic pink strap twisting from behind her back and under her chest, she has multiple purple flowers that are very similar to daffodils on her dress and the bottom of the dress has black lace, which goes all the way to her feet and a black silk chokers with a bow on the back.

She has large, black feathery wings on her back.


She believes her magic is quite useless, but she has a caring heart and would do her best to prevent deaths.

She gets along quite easily with other freelancers.


Knows who will be the soonest to die.

She is able to see who dies the earliest among all the people (including Magical Girls and mages) in her view, but she won't know the cause and time of death.

She will see a floating skull mark, which has no entity and can't be seen by others, on the head of that person. Multiple skull marks mean that multiple people will die at the same time. However, the future of people's death can be altered. The causation of it can be intervened by others and thus change the order of death.



During the events of JOKERS, Kafuria teamed up with Filru to find the Pure Elements. Filru was terrified when she learned about Kafuria's magic.


Uttakatta and Kafuria were teammates before the events of JOKERS. Uttakatta lost her composure after Kafuria disappeared.

Lady Proud[]


Pure Elements[]

Marika Fukuroi[]

Styler Mimi[]


Kafuria is friends with Kokuri.


Kafuria is friends with Auro.


Kafuria is friends with Negino.

Grim Heart[]

She disliked Grim Heart because she is tyrannous. Kafuria tried to fight back and attempted to defeat her, ultimately causing Grim Heart to order Kafuria's death.




Real Name[]

  • The name Kokoro means "heart, mind, soul" (心).
  • Kokoro's surname Kimura means "tree, wood" (木) (ki) and "town, village" (村) (mura).


  • In Fanbook 1, Kafuria has the following stats:
    Physical Ability: 3/5
    Communication Skill: 3/5
    Magic Rarity: 3/5
    Magic Experience: 4/5
    Mental Strength: 3/5
    Thoughtful: 4/5
  • Part of Kafuria's name, "Kafu" (カフ), has the same sound of Japanese word 寡婦 (kafu), which means "widow". A typical widow always has a black veil and dress, which are also part of Kafuria's outfit.
  • In the calendar art, Kafuria is holding a red spider lily, which is associated with "death" in Japanese culture. This association is related to Kafuria's power.
  • Kafuria is one of Asari Endō's favorite Magical Girls, along with Nemurin.
  • When asked about Kafuria, Endō responded: “Design-wise, I really like her, however, illustrations only reach you after the story has already been completed…”
  • In the e-book exclusive afterword of JOKERS, Asari Endō has stated that while JOKERS did not face as many rejections and revisions as other books in the series, a short story about Filru, Uttakatta, and Kafuria was rejected and was never published. The story featured what all three Magical Girls were doing together before they infiltrated the underground laboratory.


V • T • E JOKERS Characters
Pure Elements Princess DelugePrincess InfernoPrincess Tempest
Princess QuakePrism Cherry
Magical Kingdom Department of Diplomacy Lady ProudUmbrain
Freelancers FilruUttakattaKafuria
Information Bureau Grim HeartShufflin
Inspection Department Snow WhiteFal
Others Marika FukuroiStyler MimiStanczyka
Minor Appearances The First Lapis Lazuline7753TepsekemeiManaPfleShadow GalePythie FredericaRipple

V • T • E Episodes Φ Characters
Unmarked (Arc 1) Snow WhiteMusician Of The Forest, CranberryFav
Restart Magical DaisyLapis LazulineKeekFalRagi Zwe Nento
Limited ManaHana GekokujouArchfiend Pam7753TepsekemeiRain PowPostarieTokoTot PopPukinSonia Bean
JOKERS Princess InfernoPrincess DelugePrincess QuakePrincess Tempest
Prism CherryMarika FukuroiFilruKafuria
ACES&QUEENS PatriciaPuk PuckUluruSorami NakanoPremium Sachiko
Others Shou MinamidaYoshiko YoshinouraSumireKokuriNeginoAuroTwin Dragons Panas

V • T • E Magical Kingdom
Founder The First Mage
The Three Sages Chêne・Osk・Baal・Mel / (Grim Heart) • Av・Lapati・Puk・Baltha / (Puk Puck) •
Caspar・Vim・Hop・Seuk / (Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami)
Central Authority / Sages' Factions
Information Bureau Grim HeartShufflinHalna Midi MerenTetty Goodgripp
Sages' Factions LetheCQ Angel HamuelShufflin ⅡUluruPremium SachikoSorami Nakano
Magical Girl Department
Inspection Department ManaSnow White (Outside Staff) • Hana GekokujouFalPukin (Former Head) • Fan Lit FanUnnamed PersonDeath PrayerDrill Dory
Magical Girl Resources Department Pfle (Former Head) • Clio (Deputy Head) • 7753 (Guidance) • Cranberry (Former) • Dark Cutie (Secret Team) • Micchan the Dictionary (Secret Team) • Glassianne (Secret Team) • Flame Flamey (Former) • AlmaFav (Former) • Toko (Former) • Pythie Frederica (Former Head and Examiner) • BirgittaRappy TaypeJuubePuppeta
Department of Diplomacy Archfiend Pam (Former Head) • Lady Proud (Former Head) • Umbrain (Former)
R&D Division Juube (Former Head) • Puppeta (Former) • Jelly MarieSpinonBluebell CandyPrincess Deluge (Former) • Olga
Public Relations Division PaletteMagical DaisyTwin Stars Cutie AltairCutie VegaSally Raven
IT Division Keek (Former) • Fal (Former)
Magical Girl Management Division Ragi Zwe Nento (Head)
Freelancers FilruUttakattaKafuriaAuroNeginoKokuriMiss MargueritePshuke Prains
Others Rain PowEljeena