Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Wiki
Mahoiku talking Spoiler Alert!V • T • E
Areas of this article contain spoilers about Light Novels. Please proceed with caution.

Some sections of this article may be under construction at the moment.

This Glossary article contains official terms used by Yenpress, common slang terms used by the English community, and some useless yet interesting stats about the characters.

Official Terms[]

The following is a list of official terms used while editing this Wikia. With the exception of untranslated stories, articles are edited based on Yenpress’ official translation (Right column). Currently, untranslated stories are based on fan-translations and will be replaced upon official release.

The following also adds the number of POVs each character has. For a detail version, check out the POV List.

Highlighted in orange are major changes made by Yenpress. These are names that were completely changed from the Japanese version. (Mao Pam > Archfiend Pam).

Highlighted in pink are minor changes made by Yenpress. These refer to names that have a certain part of a letter/word taken out or have their names swapped around. (Miyokata Nonako > Nonako Miyokata).


Original-Japanese Fan-Translated Yenpress-Official POV
Unmarked (Arc 1)
スノーホワイト / 姫河小雪 Snow White / Koyuki Himekawa Snow White / Koyuki Himekawa 40
リップル / 細波華乃 Ripple / Kano Sazanami Ripple / Kano Sazanami 7
ラ・ピュセル / 岸辺 颯太 La Pucelle / Souta Kishibe La Pucelle / Souta Kishibe 4
トップスピード / 室田 つばめ Top Speed / Tsubame Murota Top Speed / Tsubame Murota 1
ルーラ / 木王 早苗 Ruler / Sanae Mokuou Ruler / Sanae Mokuou 0
スイムスイム / 坂凪 綾名 Swim Swim / Ayana Sakanagi Swim Swim / Ayana Sakanagi 0
ミナエル / 天里 美奈 Minael / Mina Amasato Minael / Mina Amasato 7
ユナエル / 天里 優奈 Yunael / Yuna Amasato Yunael / Yuna Amasato 3
たま / 犬吠埼 珠 Tama / Tama Inubouzaki Tama / Tama Inubouzaki 0
ねむりん / 三条 合歓 Nemurin / Nemu Sanjou Nemurin / Nemu Sanjou 2
カラミティ・メアリ / 山元 奈緒子 Calamity Mary / Naoko Yamamoto Calamity Mary / Naoko Yamamoto 1
マジカロイド44 / 安藤 真琴 Magicaloid 44 / Makoto Andou Magicaloid 44 / Makoto Andou 0
シスターナナ / 羽二重 奈々 Sister Nana / Nana Habutae Sister Nana / Nana Habutae 1
ヴェス・ウィンタープリズン / 亜柊 雫 Weiss Winterprison / Shizuku Ashuu Weiss Winterprison / Shizuku Ashuu 0
森の音楽家クラムベリ Clamberry/Cranberry, the Forest Musician Musician Of The Forest, Cranberry 0
ハードゴア・アリス / 鳩田 亜子 Hardgore Alice / Ako Hatoda Hardgore Alice / Ako Hatoda 1
ファヴ Fav Fav 2
スミレ Sumire Sumire 0
吉乃浦芳子 Yoshiko Yoshinoura Yoshiko Yoshinoura 0
ペチカ / 建原 智香 Pechika / Chika Tatehara Pechka / Chika Tatehara 21
クランテイル / 尾野 寧々 Clantail / Nene Ono Clantail / Nene Ono 2
リオネッタ / 九条 李緒 Rionetta / Rio Kujou Rionetta / Rio Kujou 1
御世方那子 / アンナ・サリザエ Miyokata Nonako / Anna Sarizae Nonako Miyokata / Anna Sarizae 1
マジカルデイジー / 八雲 菊 Magical Daisy / Kiku Yakumo Magical Daisy / Kiku Yakumo 4
のっこちゃん / 野々原 紀子 Nokko-chan / Noriko Nonohara Nokko / Noriko Nonohara 12
@娘々 / 棚橋 陽真理 @NyanNyan / Himari Tanahashi @Meow-Meow / Himari Tanahashi 1
夢ノ島ジェノサイ子 / 園田 かりん Genopsyko Yumenoshima / Karin Sonoda Yumenoshima Genopsyko / Karin Sonoda 0
ディティック・ベル / 氷岡 忍 Detick Bell / Shinobu Hioka Detec Bell / Shinobu Hioka 8
ラピス・ラズリーヌ / ブルーコメート Lapis Lazuline / Blue Comet Lapis Lazuline / Blue Comet 0
メルヴィル / 久慈 真白 Melville / Mashiro Kuji Melville / Mashiro Kuji 2
チェルナー・マウス Cherna Mouse Cherna Mouse 0
プフレ / 人小路 庚江 Pfle / Kanoe Hitokouji Pfle / Kanoe Hitokouji 16
シャドウゲール / 魚山 護 Shadow Gale / Mamori Totoyama Shadow Gale / Mamori Totoyama 29
マスクド・ワンダー / 三田 好 Masked Wonder / Konomi Mita Masked Wonder / Konomi Mita 0
アカネ / 不破 茜 Akane / Akane Fuwa Akane / Akane Fuwa 0
キーク Keek Keek 0
ファル Fal Fal 15
炎の湖フレイム・フレイミィ Lake of Fire Flame Flamey Lake of Fire Flame Flamey 0
パレット Palette Palette 3
ラギ·ヅェ·ネント Lagi Jie Nent / Ragi Jie Nent Ragi Zwe Nento 8
ウェディン / 結屋 美祢 Wedin / Mine Musubiya Weddin / Mine Musubiya 11
キャプテン・グレース / 芝原 海 Captain Grace / Umi Shibahara Captain Grace / Umi Shibahara 7
ファニートリック / 根村 佳代 Funny Trick / Kayo Nemura Funny Trick / Kayo Nemura 4
繰々姫 / 姫野 希 Kuru-Kuru-Hime / Nozomi Himeno Kuru-Kuru-Hime / Nozomi Himeno 8
ポスタリィ / 酒己 達子 Postarie / Tatsuko Sakaki Postarie / Tatsuko Sakaki 5
レイン・ポゥ / 三 香織 Rain Pow / Rain Pou / Kaori Ninotsugi Rain Pow / Kaori Ninotsugi 12
テプセケメイ / メイ Tepsekemei / Mei Tepsekemei / Mei 2
トコ Toko Toko 5
マナ Mana Mana 8
下克上羽菜 Hana Gekokujou Hana Gekokujou 1
ななこさん / 七谷 小鳥 7753 / Kotori Nanaya 7753 / Kotori Nanaya 18
魔王パム Maou Pam / Mao Pam Archfiend Pam 5
ピティ・フレデリカ / 吉岡 Pity / Pythie Frederica / Yoshioka Pythie Frederica / Yoshioka 40
トットポップ / ジェシカ・プレイズ Tot Pop / Jessica Praise Tot Pop / Jessica Praise 0
プキン Pukin Pukin 3
ソニア・ビーン Sonia Bean Sonia Bean 0
プリンセス・インフェルノ / 緋山 朱里 Princess Inferno / Akari Hiyama Princess Inferno / Akari Hiyama 7
プリンセス・デリュージ / 青木 奈美 Princess Deluge / Nami Aoki Princess Deluge / Nami Aoki 21
プリンセス・クェイク / 茶藤 千子 Princess Quake / Chiko Satou Princess Quake / Chiko Satou 4
プリンセス・テンペスト / 東恩納 鳴 Princess Tempest / Mei Higashionna Princess Tempest / Mei Higashionna 3
プリズムチェリー / 加賀美 桜 Prism Cherry / Sakura Kagami Prism Cherry / Sakura Kagami 8
袋井魔梨華 / 袋井 真理子 Marika Fukuroi / Mariko Fukuroi Marika Fukuroi / Mariko Fukuroi 3
スタイラー美々 Styler Mimi Styler Mimi 9
レディ・プロウド Lady Proud Lady Proud 3
アンブレン / 嵩山 美津 Umbrain / Mitsu Kasayama Umbrain / Mitsu Kasayama 0
スタンチッカ Stuntchica / Stanczyka Stanczyka 0
フィルルゥ Filuru Filru 7
ウッタカッタ Uttakatta Uttakatta 0
カフリア / 木村 心 Kafuria / Kokoro Kimura Kafuria / Kokoro Kimura 0
グリムハート / シェヌ・オスク・バル・メル Grim Heart / Shayta・Osk・Val・Mer Grim Heart / Chêne・Osk・Baal・Mel 5
シャッフリン Shufflin Shufflin 3
ダークキューティー Dark Cutie Dark Cutie 1
物知りみっちゃん Monoshiri Micchan / Monoshiri Mi-Chan Micchan the Dictionary 6
グラシアーネ Glassianne Glassianne 5
ブルーベル・キャンディ Blue Bell Candy Bluebell Candy 11
うるる Uluru Uluru 15
中野宇宙美 Sorami Nakano Sorami Nakano 5
プレミアム幸子 Premium Sachiko Premium Sachiko 1
アーマー・アーリィ / アーク・アーリィ Armor Arlie / Ark Arile Armor Arlie / Arc Arlie 0
ブレイド・ブレンダ Blade Brenda Blade Brenda 1
キャノン・キャサリン Cannon Catherine Cannon Catherine 0
パトリシア / 服部シア Patricia / Shia Hattori Patricia / Cia Hattori 0
CQ天使ハムエル CQ Tenshi Hamuel / CQ Angel Hammer CQ Angel Hamuel 14
シャッフリンII Shufflin II Shufflin II 0
プク・プック / アヴ・ラパチ・プク・バルタ Puk Puck / Av・Lavchi・Puk・Valta Puk Puck / Av・Lapati・Puk・Baltha 9
レーテ Lethe Lethe 2
ラツムカナホノメノカミ Ratsumukanahonomenokami Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami 0
テティ・グットニーギル / 遠山藤乃 Tetty Goodgripp / Fujino Toyama Tetty Goodgripp / Fujino Tohyama 18
ミス・リール Miss Lille Miss Ril 0
ラッピー・ティップ Wrappy Tip Rappy Taype 4
ドリル・ドリィ Drill Dory Drill Dory 3
メピス・フェレス / 佐山楓子ー Mepis Pheles / Fuko Sayama Mephis Pheles / Fuko Sayama 6
クミクミ / 立野玖美子 Kumi-Kumi / Kumiko Tateno Kumi-Kumi / Kumiko Tateno 13
カナ Kana Kana 21
クラシカル・リリアン Classical Lillian Classical Lillian 4
雷将アーデルハイト Thunder General Adelheid Thunder-General Adelheid 14
奈落野院出ィ子 Diko Narakunoin Diko Narakunoin 3
プリンセス・ライトニング Princess Lightning Princess Lightning 0
サリー・レイヴン / 鳥原サリー Sally Raven / Sally Torihara Sally Raven / Risa Karasuno 9
プシュケ・プレインス Psyche Plains Pshuke Prains 6
ランユウィ Ranyui Ranyi 8
カルコロ / カルコロ・クルンフ Calcolo / Calcolo Callumph Calkoro / Calkoro Culumff 17
ハルナ・ミディ・メレン Halna Medhi Melen Halna Midi Meren 14
(ラブ)・ルールー Love Lulu 0 Lulu 9
ミス・マーガリート Miss Margarite Miss Marguerite / Kaoruko Rokugou 8
パステルメリー Pastel Merry Pastel Mary / Yoh Tanada 4
ドリーミィ☆チェルシー / 夢野千枝 Dreamy☆Chelsea / Chie Yumeno Dreamy☆Chelsea / Chie Yumeno 5
らぶみー恋々 / 乞水怜 Love Me Ren-Ren / Rei Koimizu Love Me Ren-Ren / Rei Koimizu 8
ネフィーリア Nephilia Nephilia / Iria Funada 4
リル·クェム·サタボーン Lil Quem Saturborn / Lir Kuem Satabourn Lyr Cuem Sataborn 0
デスプレイヤー Death Prayer Death Prayer 0
クラリッサ・トゥースエッヅ Clarissa Tousedge / Clarissa Toothedge Clarissa Toothedge / Lu 0
フランシスカ・フランチェスカ Francisca Francesca Francisca Francesca 0
マイヤー Maia / Meyer Maiya / Maya Mutou 0
られ子 Laleko / Rareko Rareko / Arare Mutou 1
ジョン・シェパーズパイ John Shepherdspie John Shepherdspie 4
曲岡統太 Touta Magaoka Touta Magaoka 6
アグリイェルレイムエイド·クォーキ Agrielleimaid Quarky Agrielreymwaed Quarky 0
ナヴィ・ル Navi Ru Navi Ru 3
イオール Iole / Yol Yol 0
ララルーナ / 小山内晶 Lala Luna / Akira Osanai N/A 0
ステラ・ルル / 小山内馨 Stella Lulu / Kaoru Osanai Stella Lulu 1
セラセラ / 森水琴 Sera Sera / Mikoto Mori N/A 0
メルティペイン / 佐々木芽留兎 Melty Pane / Meruto Sasaki N/A 0
ウェン・ヘイズワード Wen Heizwald N/A 0
ミース Mees N/A 0
エルヅーナ Eljeena N/A 0
アルマ / 下崎久美 Alma / Kumi Shizaku N/A 0
クリオ Clio N/A 0
ファン・リート・ファン Fan Lit Fan Fan Lit Fan 0
エイミー Amy Amy 0
もな子 Monako Monako 0
ジューベ / なつめ・みさ Jouvet / Misa Natsume Juube 1
パペタ Puppeta Puppeta 0
ジェリーマリー / 寒川麻里 Jelly Marie / Mari Samukawa N/A 1
すぴのん Spinon N/A 1
Unripe Duet
ミーヤ・オクターブ Miya Octave / Momo Sonomiya Miiya Octave 0
テルミ・ドール Tell-Me Doll Theremin Doll 0
カプ・チーノ / 三笠千乃 Cappuchino / Yukino Mikasa N/A 0
建原智樹 Tomoki Tatehara Tomoki Tatehara 1
ピクシーキトゥン / 昌子 Pixie Kitten / Masako N/A / Masako 0
フェアリーパピー / 美千代 Fairy Puppy / Michiyo N/A / Michiyo 0
初代ラピス・ラズリーヌ The First Lapis Lazuline / Professor Tanaka N/A / Ms. Tanaka 11
南田翔 Shou Minamida Shou Minamida 0
蒼龍パナース / 双龍パナース Blue dragon Panasu / Twin Dragons Panasu Azure Dragon Panas / Twin Dragons Panas 0
アウロ Auro Auro 0
コクリちゃん Kokuri-chan Kokuri 0
葱乃 Negino Negino 0
メタリィ Metally Metallie 0
ミナ・マッドガーデナー・エイカー Mina Mad Gardener Acre Mina Mad Gardener Acre 0
双子星キューティアルタイル / 美姫 Twin Stars Cutie Altair / Mihime Twin Stars Cutie Altair / Mihime 0
バーター嵐子 Barter Ranko Barter Ranko 0
転寝早苗 Sanae Utatane Sanae Utatane 0
もるもるモルグ Mol Mol Morgue Moru-Moru Morgue 0
ぷちでびぃ Puchidevi Puchi-Devy 0
コックル Cockle Cockle 0

Check out Magical Girl, Mage and Mascot articles for more information.


Original-Japanese Fan-Translated Yenpress-Official
人間の世界 Human World Human World
N市 N-City N-City
B市 B-City B-City
S市 S-City S-City
W市 W-City TBA
F市 F-City N/A
TBA Cyber World Cyber World
夢の世界 Dream World N/A
波山中学校 Namiyama Middle School Namiyama Middle School
魔法の国 Land of Magic Magical Kingdom
魔法少女部門 Magical Girl Division Magical Girl Department
監査部門 Examination Divison Inspection Department
人事部門 Human Resources Division Magical Girl Resources Department
外交部門 Foreign Affairs Division Department of Diplomacy
研究部門 Research and Development Division N/A
広報部門 Public Relations Division N/A
IT部門 Information Technology Division Information Technology Department
魔法少女管理部門 Magical Girl Management Division Magical Girl Management Division
魔王塾 Mao School Archfiend Cram School
魔法少女刑務所 Magical Girl Prison Magical Girl Prison
魔法の国本国 Homeland Department Central Authority

Check out Locations article for more information.


Original-Japanese Fan-Translated Yenpress-Official
ルーラチーム Team Ruler Team Ruler
クランテイルチーム Team Clantail Team Clantail
デイジーチーム Team Daisy Team Daisy
ベルチーム Team Bell Team Bell
プフレチーム Team Pfle Team Pfle
B市捜査班 B-City Investigation Team Investigation Team
脱獄囚 Escaped Prisoners / Prisoners Prisoners
ピュアエレメンツ Pure Elements Pure Elements
フリーランス Freelancers Freelancers
機密チーム Secret Team
1班 Group 1 Group One
2班 Group 2 Group Two
3班 Group 3 Group Three
反体制派 The Resistance N/A

Check out Affiliations article for more information.

Common Terms[]

The following are slang terms and abbreviations used by certain parts of the English community and might not necessarily be used on this Wikia.

  • Mahoiku - Short for the Japanese title, Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku.
  • Unmarked / Arc 1 - The first novel in the franchise. It's named "Unmarked" in the fandom as it has no sub-title.
  • Arc 1.5 - Magical Girl Raising Project: Special Edition. More specifically, it refers to extra story: Snow White Raising Project (SWRP).
  • Arc 2 - Restart. The second and third novel in the franchise.
  • Arc 3 - Limited. The fifth and sixth novel in the franchise.
  • Arc 4 - JOKERS. The seventh novel in the franchise.
  • Arc 5 - ACES. The eighth novel in the franchise.
  • Arc 6 - QUEENS. The eleventh novel in the franchise.
  • Arc 7 - Black. The thirteenth novel in the franchise.
  • Arc 8 - White. The sixteenth novel in the franchise.
  • Arc 9 - Red. The eighteenth novel in the franchise.
  • Peaceful Days - Magical Girl Raising Project: Peaceful Days of 16 Magical Girls. An extra story about the Unmarked (Arc 1) cast and the tenth novel in the franchise.
  • Episodes - Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes. The first side story and the fourth novel in the franchise.
  • Phi - Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes Φ. The second side story and the ninth novel in the franchise.
  • Delta - Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes Δ. The third side story and the twelfth novel in the franchise.
  • Sigma - Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes Σ. The fourth side story and the seventeenth novel in the franchise.
  • Breakdown - Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown, a spinoff story. The fourteenth and fifteenth novel in the franchise.
  • Unripe Duet - Unripe Duet, a prequel story. A reading drama based on Cranberry.
  • Snow White Raising Project - Snow White Raising Project, a reading drama. A retelling of the SWRP side story. Also contains a new original story, The Blue Magical Girl's Self-Assertion.
  • Dobule Shadow - Double Shadow, a restart prequel story. A reading drama based on Pfle and Shadow Gale. Also contains The Blue Magical Girl's Self-Assertion Ver.2.
  • Twins - Referring to the Peaky Angels, Minael and Yunael.
  • 44 - Magicaloid 44
  • Swim2 - Swim Swim
  • Magical Girl Hunter - Referring to Snow White's nickname.
  • Hair Fetish - Referring to Pythie Frederica's obsession over the hair of Magical Girls.
  • Pucked - An inside joke within the English community. It refers to a character that is or going to be brainwashed by Puk Puck through friendship.
  • LaPuLulu - A shipping term used in the fandom for La Pucelle and Stella Lulu.
  • Selection Test - Used in the novels, the selection test is a test where Magical Girls compete to enter and to become an official member of the Magical Kingdom
  • Selection Test Examiner/Test Examiner - Used in the novels, an examiner is someone who holds and oversees the Magical Girl selection test.
  • Cranberry's Children - Used in the novels, refers to the Magical Girls that survive Cranberry's selection test.
  • White Magical Girl - Used often in the novels to described Snow White.
  • Casebook - An in-universe social media platform. The name is based off Facebook.
  • Lightningram - An in-universe social media platform. The name is based off Instagram.
  • Mine - An in-universe social media platform. The name is based off Line.
  • U2B - An in-universe social media platform.
  • DigDug - An in-universe social media platform.
  • Magitter - An in-universe social media platform. The name is based off Twitter.


Several Magical Girls also have shortened names. (SW > Snow White, LP > La Pucelle, MP > Mao Pam)
As such, we will exclude them on the list below.

  • MGRP - Short for the English title, Magical Girl Raising Project.
  • POV - A character's Point of View in the novels.
  • SWRP - Snow White Raising Project. Referring to Magical Girl Raising Project: Special Edition. Also known as Arc 1.5 as it is a remake version of the first book with extra material and a direct continuation of Snow White's story which contains a crucial part of her development as the Magical Girl Hunter. Also has a reading drama of the same name.
  • PD - Magical Girl Raising Project: Peaceful Days of 16 Magical Girls or simply known as Peaceful Days.
  • BD - Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown. A spin-off web novel.
  • MG - Magical Girl
  • MMMG - Man-Made Magical Girl
  • LOM - Land of Magic. A pocket dimension that exists in the series.
  • LL1 - Referring to The First Lapis Lazuline
  • LL2 - Referring to The Second Lapis Lazuline, Blue Comet
  • LL3 - Referring to The Third Lapis Lazuline, Bluebell Candy
  • AA/BB/CC/DD - Referring to the Man-made Magical Girls created by the Research and Development Division, Armor Arlie/Ark Arlie, Blade Brenda, Cannon Catherine and Drill Dory. (These Magical Girls are added here because they are unique as their names are in the English alphabet order.)
  • LN - Light Novel
  • YP - Referring to Yenpress, the publisher for the official English version of Magical Girl Raising Project.
  • HR - Human Resource Division or YenPress' version, Magical Girl Resource Department.
  • R&D - Research and Development Division
  • PR - Public Relations Division
  • IT - Information Technology Division

Miscellaneous Lists[]

The following are miscellaneous Lists that contain useless yet interesting information.

POV List[]

The following is a detailed list that displays how many times a character's point of view appears in every arc. Only characters who have a pov will be listed and whose name was written in the pov section of the novels will be counted. As such, certain side stories are not included as their name did not appear in the pov despite that particular chapter is dedicated on them. It should also be noted that the first book, Unmarked (Arc 1) did not have the characters' name on their pov until Restart.

  • "BD" - refers to breakdown
  • "Others" - refers to all the available side and web stories.
  • "0" - refers to a character that appeared in their respective arc(s) but did not have a point of view.
  • "N/A" - refers to a character that did not even make an appearance in an arc.

Fav LNWarning! The following section contains spoilers! Read at your own risk.Fal

Point of View
Characters Arc 1 Arc 2 Arc 3 Arc 4 Arc 5 Arc 6 Arc 7 Arc 8 Arc 9 BD Others Total
Unmarked (Arc 1)
Snow White 0 0 N/A 1 4 2 2 8 14 0 9 40
Ripple 0 N/A 3 0 0 N/A N/A 1 2 N/A 1 7
La Pucelle 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 4
Top Speed 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1
Minael 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 7
Yunael 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 3
Nemurin 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 2
Calamity Mary 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1
Sister Nana 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1
Hardgore Alice 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1
Fav 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 2
Pechka N/A 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 21
Clantail 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1 2
Rionetta 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1
Miyokata Nonako 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1
Magical Daisy 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 4
Nokko 12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 12
@Meow-Meow 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1
Detec Bell 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 8
Melville 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2
Pfle 0 0 0 5 11 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 16
Shadow Gale 15 0 2 5 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 29
Fal 0 N/A 12 3 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 15
Palette 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 3
Ragi Zwe Nento 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 N/A 7 0 8
Weddin N/A 11 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11
Captain Grace 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7
Funny Trick 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4
Kuru-Kuru Hime 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8
Postaire 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 5
Rain Pou 12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 12
Tepsekemei 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 2
Toko 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 5
Mana 1 N/A N/A 4 N/A 1 3 2 0 11
Hana Gekokujou 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1
7753 11 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 0 18
Archfiend Pam 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 5
Pythie Frederica 13 3 1 2 1 6 14 N/A N/A 40
Pukin 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 3
Princess Inferno N/A 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 7
Princess Deluge 7 6 4 0 3 0 N/A 1 21
Princess Quake 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 4
Princess Tempest 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 3
Prism Cherry 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1
Marika Fukuroi 1 N/A N/A 1 1 N/A N/A 0 3
Styler Mimi 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 9
Lady Proud 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 3
Filru 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 7
Grim Heart 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5
Shufflin 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 3
Dark Cutie N/A 1 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A 0 1
Micchan the Dictionary 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 6
Glassianne 3 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 5
Bluebell Candy 4 1 0 4 2 N/A 0 11
Uluru 6 8 0 0 1 N/A 0 15
Sorami Nanako 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 5
Premium Sachiko 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1
Armor Arlie 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 0
Blade Brenda 0 0 1 0 N/A N/A N/A 1
Cannon Catherine 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A 0
CQ Angel Hamuel 4 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 14
Puk Puck N/A 3 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 9
Lethe N/A 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 2
Tetty Goodgripp N/A 8 6 2 N/A 2 18
Rappy Taype 1 1 2 N/A N/A 4
Drill Dory 0 1 2 N/A N/A 3
Mephis Pheles 0 3 2 N/A 1 6
Kumi-Kumi 6 4 2 N/A 1 13
Kana 9 5 7 N/A N/A 21
Classical Lillian 1 2 0 N/A 1 4
Thunder-General Adelheid 2 5 3 N/A 4 14
Diko Narakunoin 0 1 1 N/A N/A 2
Sally Raven 0 3 3 N/A 3 9
Pshuke Prains 3 2 1 N/A N/A 6
Ranyi 4 2 N/A N/A 1 7
Calkoro 8 4 3 N/A 2 17
Halna Midi Meren 2 3 8 N/A 1 14
Love Lulu N/A 4 5 N/A N/A 9
Old Blue 1 9 N/A 1 11
Other 1 N/A N/A 1
Miss Marguerite N/A 8 N/A 8
Pastel Mary 4 0 4
Dreamy☆Chelsea 5 N/A 5
Love Me Ren-Ren 8 N/A 8
Nephilia 4 N/A 4
Rareko 1 N/A 1
John Shepherdspie 4 N/A 4
Touta Magaoka 6 N/A 6
Navi Ru 3 N/A 3
Stella Lulu N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1
Jelly Marie N/A N/A N/A 1 1
Spinon N/A N/A N/A 1 1
Juube 1 0 N/A N/A 1
Puppeta 0 0 N/A N/A 0
Amy 0 N/A N/A 0 0
Monako 0 N/A N/A 0 0
Tomoki Tatehara N/A 1 1
Negino 1 1
Twin Dragons Panas 1 1

Redirects List[]

The following redirects were created to allow users to search for a particular article without having to type out the full name. The list below does not cover all the redirects in this wikia but rather some common names that the English community used as well as official names that Yenpress had changed.

Category Redirect Directed To
Unmarked (Arc 1) The Magical Girl Hunter Snow White
Clamberry / Cranberry Musician Of The Forest, Cranberry
Restart Pechika Pechka
Leonetta Rionetta
Daisy Magical Daisy
@NyanNyan @Meow-Meow
Yumenoshima Genopsyko Genopsyko Yumenoshima
Detick Bell Detec Bell
LL2 / The Second Lapis Lazuline Lapis Lazuline
Flame Flamey Lake of Fire Flame Flamey
Ragi Jie Nent Ragi Zwe Nento
Limited Mei Tepsekemei
Mao Pam Archfiend Pam
JOKERS Inferno Princess Inferno
Deluge Princess Deluge
Quake Princess Quake
Tempest Princess Tempest
Filuru Filru
Stuntchica Stanczyka
ACES Monoshiri Mi-Chan Micchan the Dictionary
Blue Bell Candy Bluebell Candy
CQ Angel Hammer CQ Angel Hamuel
Ark Arlie Armor Arlie
LL3 / The Third Lapis Lazuline Blue Bell Candy
QUEENS Ratsumukanahonomenokami Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami
Black Miss Lille Miss Ril
Wrappy Tip Rappy Taype
Mepis Pheles Mephis Pheles
Thunder General Adelheid Thunder-General Adelheid
Lightning Princess Lightning
Psyche Plains Pshuke Prains
Ranyui Ranyi
Calcolo Calkoro
Halna Medhi Melen Halna Midi Meren
White Love Lulu 0 Lulu
Breakdown Miss Margarite Miss Marguerite
Chelsea Dreamy☆Chelsea
Navi Ruda Navi Ru
Pastel Merry Pastel Mary
Agrielleimaid Quarky Agrielreymwaed Quarky
Lir Kuem Satabourn Lyr Cuem Sataborn
Meyer Maiya
F2P Jouvet Juube
Unripe Duet Terumi Doll Tell-Me Doll
Dreamland Ideal Snow White Snow White/Dream World
Ideal Pfle Pfle/Dream World
Ideal Shadow Gale Shadow Gale/Dream World
Ideal Detec Bell Detec Bell/Dream World
Ideal Lapis Lazuline Lapis Lazuline/Dream World
Ideal Rain Pow Rain Pow/Dream World
Ideal Postarie Postarie/Dream World
Ideal Marika Fukuroi Marika Fukuroi/Dream World
Ideal Sister Nana Sister Nana/Dream World
Ideal Weiss Winterprison Weiss Winterprison/Dream World
Ideal Ruler Ruler/Dream World
Ideal Pukin Pukin/Dream World
Others LL1 The First Lapis Lazuline
Altair Twin Stars Cutie Altair
Cutie Altair
Vega Cutie Vega
Panasu Twin Dragons Panasu
Kokuri-chan Kokuri
Shayns・Osk・Val・Mer Chêne・Osk・Baal・Mel
Av・Lavchi・Puk・Valta Av・Lapati・Puk・Baltha
Metally Metallie
Arcs Anime Magical Girl Raising Project TV Animation
Unmarked (Arc 1) Magical Girl Raising Project (Novel)
Special Edition Magical Girl Raising Project: Special Edition
Unmarked (1) Magical Girl Raising Project (1)
Unmarked (2) Magical Girl Raising Project (2)
Restart (Part 1) Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart (Part 1)
Restart (Part 2) Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart (Part 2)
Restart (1) Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart (1)
Episodes Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes
Limited (Part 1) Magical Girl Raising Project: Limited (Part 1)
Limited (Part 2) Magical Girl Raising Project: Limited (Part 2)
JOKERS Magical Girl Raising Project: JOKERS
ACES Magical Girl Raising Project: ACES
Episodes Φ Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes Φ
Peaceful Days Magical Girl Raising Project: Peaceful Days
QUEENS Magical Girl Raising Project: QUEENS
Episodes Δ Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes Δ
Black Magical Girl Raising Project: Black
White Magical Girl Raising Project: White
Episodes Σ Magical Girl Raising Project: Episodes Σ
Red Magical Girl Raising Project: Red
Breakdown Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown
Breakdown (Part 1) Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown (Part 1)
Breakdown (Part 2) Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown (Part 2)
Unripe Duet Forest Musician Cranberry Gaiden: Magical Girl Raising Project Unripe Duet
F2P Magical Girl Raising Project: F2P
F2P (1) Magical Girl Raising Project: F2P (1)
F2P (2) Magical Girl Raising Project: F2P (2)
Dreamland Magical Girl Raising Project in Dreamland
Web Novel List of Web Short Stories
Web Story
Bonus Novel List of Bonus Short Stories
Bonus Story
Locations Land of Magic Magical Kingdom
Magical Girl Division Magical Girl Department
Mao School Archfiend Cram School
Homeland Department Central Authority
Fanbooks Fanbook 1 Magical Girl Raising Project Fanbook
Fanbook 2 Magical Girl Raising Project Official Fanbook
Fanbook 3 TV Animation Magical Girl Raising Project Official Fanbook
Anniversary Book Magical Girl Raising Project Anniversary Book
Others Admin Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Wiki:Administrators
Main Page Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Wiki
SIDE-D Magical Broadcast Raising Project SIDE-D
Homunculi Demon
Phone Magical Phone
MGRP Magical Girl Raising Project (Franchise)
Power Magical Ability

Click here for the complete list of redirects.

Nicknames List[]

The following will only lists the Characters that has a nickname and who they were called by.

Nickname Lists
Characters Nickname(s) Called by
Unmarked (Arc 1)
Snow White The Magical Girl Hunter / Snowy /
Big Sis Snowy
Everyone / Lapis Lazuline / Puk Puck
La Pucelle Sou-chan Snow White
Top Speed Empress Nickname of her prior gang
Swim Swim Swim-Chan (Jap) / Swimmy (Eng) Tama
Cranberry The Forest Musician / Ichigo-chan Nickname given in Archfiend Cram School / Miya Octave
Sumire Sumi / Sumi-chan Yoshiko Yoshinoura / Koyuki Himekawa
Yoshiko Yoshinoura Yoshi-chan Sumire
Rionetta Putain de poupée (Fucking Doll) Nonako Miyokata
Pechka Pecchy Lapis Lazuline
Clantail Taily
Detec Bell Bell
Melville Melvy
Cherna Mouse Cherny
Fal Falzey
Pfle My Lady Shadow Gale
Flame Flamey Lake of Fire Nickname given in Archfiend Cram School
Keek Game Master Restart Cast
Keeky Tot Pop
Kuru-Kuru Hime Monster / Ms. Himeno Her Students / Weddin
Postarie Ta-Chan Rain Pow
Rain Pow Kaori-Chan Postarie
Tepsekemei Mei 7753
Pukin General Pukin Earned from her various achievements
Marika Fukuroi Fukuroi-Senpai / The Flower-Seller Cranberry / Former Nickname in Archfiend Cram School
Dark Cutie Leader Her Teammates
Sorami Nakano Sora Puk Puck
Premium Sachiko Sacchi
Glassianne Anne Micchan the Dictionary
Princess Deluge Miss Deluge
Adelheid Thunder General Nickname in Archfiend Cram Schoo
Calkoro Ms. Calkoro Her Students
Halna Midi Meren Ms. Halna Kana
Death Prayer Auntie Touta Magaoka
Agrielreymwaed Quarky Agri breakdown Cast
Francisca Francesca Goddess of the spring / A-san breakdown Cast / Agrielreymwaed Quarky
John Shepherdspie Johnny Pie / Mr.Pie Dreamy☆Chelsea
Pastel Mary Sheep / May-May Ragi Zwe Nento / Dreamy☆Chelsea
Nephilia Nephy Love Me Ren-Ren / Agrielreymwaed Quarky
Ragi Zwe Nento Grampy Clarissa Toothedge
Unripe Duet
Cappuchino Chino Pechka
Beautiful Calamity Mary Beautiful Mary Nemurin
The First Lapis Lazuline Professor Tanaka The Pure Elements
Fairy Puppy Micchii @Meow-Meow
Negino The Death Aroma Former Nickname in Archfiend Cram School
Twin Dragons Panas Panacchi Lapis Lazuline
Cutie Altair Twin Stars Nickname in Archfiend Cram School
Limit Dark Fang


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