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Being modest and quiet is fundamental to being a professional magical girl

— Fan Lit Fan to Snow White

Fan Lit Fan (ファン・リート・ファン) is one of the characters of Magical Girl Raising Project: F2P.

She is a Magical Girl and a member of the Inspection Department sent to investigate F-City.


Magical Girl[]

Fan Lit Fan has pale purple hair tied in a thin, long side ponytail. She wears a black kimono-like dress with long sleeves with frills at the end. A blue and pink sash is tied around her waist. Underneath, she wears long, white baggy pants.


Fan Lit Fan takes her job incredibly seriously and is fast to respond to emergencies, even rushing to aid Snow White. She works rapidly and ensures the safety of those around her. She is well-trained in not only combat, but also first aid, and is very cooperative with those she works with. Despite her attitude towards work, Fan Lit Fan speaks very bluntly and may even appear rude to some.

To Juube, she comes off as hasty, which is given credence to when she immediately rushes into the barrier over F-City before properly understanding it.


Uses a magic fan.

Fan Lit Fan possess a pair of steel fans that she uses in combat. She can use her fans in a variety of ways, such as using it like a shield when open and a striking weapon when folded. She can also slice with her fans as well as throw them like boomerangs.

Special Item(s)[]

  • Magical Iron Fans: A pair of steel iron fans.


Unnamed Person[]

Fan Lit Fan is the subordinate of the Unnamed Person.

Fan is first introduced to Juube by ???, who says that Juube can treat Fan Lit Fan as her own subordinate. ??? is very comfortable with Fan Lit Fan, as they are seen with their hand on Fan's shoulder. How Fan feels about ??? is unknown.


After being introduced to her by the Unnamed Person, Fan Lit Fan works together with Juube with investigating the barrier around F-City. Fan would be the one to inform Juube about the barrier.

Puppeta’s puppet version of Fan would refer to Juube as a “unpleasant girl”, hinting that Fan did not have the greatest opinion of her.


Fan Lit Fan went to investigate the F-City barrier with Puppeta. Fan seems to have a poor opinion of Puppeta, as she complains about why she's stuck with "a person like this" for the job. When her hand is bitten by Puppeta’s puppet, she is taken off guard.

Compared to Fan herself, the puppet Fan is very blunt with Puppeta, directly telling her that she has nothing to say to her, and even going as far as to tell Puppeta to figure out things herself.

Both Puppeta and Juube would be informed later of Fan Lit Fan's later death, when the puppet returned to it's original blank state.

Melty Pane[]

Fan Lit Fan encounters Melty Pane after first entering the barrier of F-City.

A confident Melty Pane attacks Fan Lit Fan right off the bat, but is swiftly defeated by Fan. During their brief battle, Fan Lit Fan is able to surmise that Melty Pane lacks actual battle experience, and that she makes her magic too obvious with the insistent use of her hands. After subduing Melty Pane, Fan Lit Fan directs her attention towards Stella Lulu.

Priotizing her attacks towards Stella Lulu, Fan Lit Fan neglects Melty Pane as an opponent, which proves to be a vital error on her end. During the fight between Fan Lit Fan and Stella Lulu, Melty Pane approaches Fan from behind and grabs the back of her neck with her gloves, using her magic, to use magical gloves to change the flow of time, to reverse time so that Melty Pane and Stella Lulu are able to gain the advantage over her. With Fan knocked unconscious due to their duo efforts, Melty Pane laughs and calls Fan 'troublesome.'

When Fan Lit Fan is brought back to the other members of The Resistance, she is tied up and questioned about her purpose for infiltrating the F-City barrier. Catching The Resistance off-guard in one final attempt to carry out her mission of assassinating Wen Heizwald, Fan Lit Fan is then beaten to death by Melty Pane and Stella Lulu.


Stella Lulu[]

Lala Luna[]

Sera Sera[]

Wen Heizwald[]

Fan Lit Fan was sent to assassinate Wen Heizwald.

Snow White[]

Snow White and Fan Lit Fan met during the events of Magical Girl Assassination Project.

Fan Lit Fan is sent as a backup from the Inspection Department by Ripple to look after Snow White after the multiple assassination attempts on Snow White's head. Fan Lit Fan came with medical supplies to patch up the Rogue Magical Girls that Snow White had captured and wounded.


Exclusively in the stage play adaptation of F2P's story, Fan Lit Fan fights Amy alongside the members of the resistance.


Exclusively in the stage play adaptation of F2P's story, Fan Lit Fan fights Monako alongside the members of the resistance.

Monako is able to easily overpower her and kill her, showing no remorse for her actions.



V • T • E F2P Characters
Magical Kingdom MG Resources Department AlmaClioBirgitta
R&D Division JuubePuppetaJelly MarieSpinonOlga
Inspection Department Unnamed PersonFan Lit Fan
Others AmyMonakoYoshiokaEljeena
The Resistance Stella LuluSera SeraMelty PaneAkira Osanai
Wen HeizwaldMees

V • T • E Episodes Δ Characters
Unmarked (Arc 1) Snow WhiteLa PucelleTop SpeedRippleRulerSwim SwimYunaelMinaelMagicaloid 44Sister NanaWeiss WinterprisonCranberry
Hardgore AliceFav
Restart PechkaClantailRionettaNonako MiyokataShadow GalePfleLapis LazulineKeekFalLake of Fire Flame FlameyNokkoCherna Mouse
Limited ManaTepsekemei7753Archfiend PamHana Gekokujou
JOKERS Marika FukuroiStyler MimiLady ProudUmbrainUttakattaPrincess InfernoPrincess DelugePrincess QuakePrincess Tempest
ACES&QUEENS PatriciaMicchan the DictionaryGlassianneLethe
F2P Stella LuluFan Lit Fan
Others Yoshiko YoshinouraSumireTomoki TateharaTwin Dragons PanasMina Mad Gardener AcreMetallieTwin Stars Cutie AltairMaiyaBarter RankoSanae UtataneMol Mol MorguePuchideviCockle

V • T • E Magical Kingdom
Founder The First Mage
The Three Sages Chêne・Osk・Baal・Mel / (Grim Heart) • Av・Lapati・Puk・Baltha / (Puk Puck) •
Caspar・Vim・Hop・Seuk / (Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami)
Central Authority / Sages' Factions
Information Bureau Grim HeartShufflinHalna Midi MerenTetty Goodgripp
Sages' Factions LetheCQ Angel HamuelShufflin ⅡUluruPremium SachikoSorami Nakano
Magical Girl Department
Inspection Department ManaSnow White (Outside Staff) • Hana GekokujouFalPukin (Former Head) • Fan Lit FanUnnamed PersonDeath PrayerDrill Dory
Magical Girl Resources Department Pfle (Former Head) • Clio (Deputy Head) • 7753 (Guidance) • Cranberry (Former) • Dark Cutie (Secret Team) • Micchan the Dictionary (Secret Team) • Glassianne (Secret Team) • Flame Flamey (Former) • AlmaFav (Former) • Toko (Former) • Pythie Frederica (Former Head and Examiner) • BirgittaRappy TaypeJuubePuppeta
Department of Diplomacy Archfiend Pam (Former Head) • Lady Proud (Former Head) • Umbrain (Former)
R&D Division Juube (Former Head) • Puppeta (Former) • Jelly MarieSpinonBluebell CandyPrincess Deluge (Former) • Olga
Public Relations Division PaletteMagical DaisyTwin Stars Cutie AltairCutie VegaSally Raven
IT Division Keek (Former) • Fal (Former)
Magical Girl Management Division Ragi Zwe Nento (Head)
Freelancers FilruUttakattaKafuriaAuroNeginoKokuriMiss MargueritePshuke Prains
Others Rain PowEljeena