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I'm Detec Bell. I may not look it, but I'm actually a detective.

— Detec Bell

Detec Bell (ディティック・ベル), also known by her real name Shinobu Hioka (氷岡忍), is one of the main protagonists of Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart.

The leader of Team Bell. Detec Bell is a private investigator. Combining her passion and Magical Ability, she can easily find the whereabouts of other people she's investigating.



As a human, Shinobu has hair tied up into a bun. At home, she wears glasses.

While at home mostly wears a long jacket, a shirt, and pants, during her meeting with Lapis Lazuline, she wears a dress.

Magical Girl[]

As a Magical Girl, Detec Bell has short salmon-colored hair and purple eyes. She wears a black detective cap, with a fluffy white strip going down the side. The white strap has a smaller black strip going through it and is topped with a lavender bow. Her cap has a smaller lavender bow at the bottom of it.

She wears a fluffy white collar, with a black bow on it. It fastens a lavender cape, which has a lavender ribbon on its underside. Underneath the cape, she wears a black dress with gold straps. The sleeves of her dress have two gold buttons on them.

She carries a magnifying glass that has its lens rimmed with white fluff. There is a small black bow attached to its silver handle. She has a cotton ball tail that resembles a sheep's tail.


Detec Bell is a very keen and hardworking girl. She is smart and makes use of her ability to track down the whereabouts of Magical Girls such as Magical Daisy and Lapis Lazuline. During the game in most parts, Detec Bell was able to stay calm and access each situation while ensuring the safety of her team members.

Bell also has tendencies to be doubtful towards others, such as having to locate Lapis Lazuline to ensure that she is trustworthy, although she strongly believes in her teammates.

She thinks that she is not suited to be a leader and has nothing to offer to her team, except for her experience. She feels left out from her team but despite that, she tries her best to contribute.


Can talk to buildings.

By kissing the building with her lips, the building will be given a personality and a face, which makes it able to talk. No matter how run down the building is, the magic will always work. The personality and face differ for each different building.

The building is friendly to Bell and will answer Detec Bell's question most of the time. However, it will not give away information that is disadvantageous to its owner or inhabitants.[1]

Special Item(s)[]

  • Magnifying Glass: Detec Bell's belonging. A Detective's necessity.
  • Memory Restoration Device: A purchasable in-game item of Restart. Regardless of reality/game, it can let people regain their sealed memories.


Lapis Lazuline[]

Lapis Lazuline and Detec Bell are on the same team, Team Bell. At first, Detec Bell doesn't trust Lazuline too much, but her opinion soon changes after she meets Lazuline in real life, to the point of fully trusting her with her life.

During her final moments, Detec Bell hides her magical phone, telling the face she summons in the floor to only show it to Lazuline. When Lazuline discovered Detec Bell, she broke down into tears, and was quickly enraged once she discovered who Detec Bell’s killer was Melville.

As both a human and a Magical Girl, Detec Bell is shown to be older and shorter than Lazuline.[2] [3]

Cherna Mouse[]

Cherna Mouse and Detec Bell are both on Team Bell. Despite Cherna's stubborn and selfish personality, Detec Bell believes that Cherna Mouse is not a bad person and cares for her as the team's leader.

After Cherna Mouse’s death, Detec Bell personally carries her body to the grave.


Melville and Detec Bell are both on Team Bell. Melville does not trust Detec Bell.

After Detec Bell purchased the Memory Restoration Device, she was killed by Melville who was trying to not be discovered as the killer. Detec Bell wasn't able to see the face of her assassin, and Melville had no remorse for killing her. Although Detec Bell died, she managed to unmask Melville as the traitor.

Magical Daisy[]


Nokko was one of the children in the elementary school summer camp Detec Bell was sent to work as an undercover, none of them noticed each other's presence.


Detec Bell unsuccessfully tries to stop Pfle's battle with Detec Bell's teammates. When Detec Bell invited Nokko to join her team, Pfle joined her as well, Pfle and Detec Bell explored the Library Area.

Pfle was thankful to the already deceased Detec Bell for her actions since if it wasn't for her and she was get killed, they would've never been able to discover who the killer was Melville.

After the events of Restart, Pfle along with the other survivors visit the graves of those who passed away, including Detec Bell's, they also send money to their relative, which in this case would be Detec Bell's brother and father.

Detec Bell's death along, with the other Magical Girls' from Restart, was Pfle's motivation to overthrow the Magical Kingdom's corrupt system and install a new one.

The two of them also meet in the Dream World along with Lapis Lazuline and Shadow Gale. When Detec Bell and Lapis greeted Pfle and Shadow Gale the latter seems to not remember them, Detec Bell concludes they've been brought to the Dream World at different times, Pfle and Shadow Gale before meeting Lapis and Detec Bell whereas the latter after it. They befriended in the Dream World apparently for the first time and cooperated during a battle, after returning to their respective timelines, they all forget about everything that occurred in the Dream World.

Shadow Gale[]

Masked Wonder[]




Nonako Miyokata[]



Detec Bell's Brother[]

Detec Bell's brother is four years older than Detec Bell, their relationship is presumed to be a positive one.

Detec Bell's Father[]

Detec Bell's father has a bookshelf that is filled with mystery fictions, those were the books that made Detec Bell a fanatic of mystery stories, her father was amazed by his daughter's talent. Despite this, he didn't want Detec Bell to be a detective but he still let Detec Bell follow her dreams.


He is the boss of Detec Bell in her human form.

Grim Heart[]

Misty Rouge[]

Ideal Detec Bell[]

Ideal Lapis Lazuline[]

She is Detec Bell's ideal version of Lapis Lazuline.


Real Name[]

  • The name Shinobu means "endurance, patience" (忍).
  • Shinobu's surname Hioka means "ice, hail" (氷) (hi) and "ridge, hill" (岡) (oka).


  • In the First Character Popularity Vote, Detec Bell ranked #7.
  • In Fanbook 1, Detec Bell has the following stats:
    Physical Ability: 1/5
    Communication Skill: 3/5
    Magic Rarity: 3/5
    Magic Experience: 3/5
    Mental Strength: 3/5
    Insight: 3/5
  • Her name likely references the nineteenth-century surgeon Joseph Bell who inspired Sherlock Holmes.



V • T • E Restart Characters
Team Clantail ClantailPechkaRionettaNonako Miyokata
Team Daisy Magical DaisyNokko@Meow-MeowGenopsyko Yumenoshima
Team Bell Detec BellLapis LazulineMelvilleCherna Mouse
Team Pfle PfleShadow GaleMasked Wonder
Others AkaneKeekFal
Minor Appearances Snow WhiteLake of Fire Flame FlameyPaletteRagi Zwe NentoMusician Of The Forest, CranberryFav

V • T • E Episodes Characters
Unmarked (Arc 1) Snow WhiteRippleLa PucelleTop SpeedRulerSwim SwimMinaelYunaelTamaNemurinCalamity MaryMagicaloid 44Sister Nana
Weiss WinterprisonMusician Of The Forest, CranberryHardgore AliceFav
Restart ClantailPechkaRionettaNonako MiyokataMagical DaisyNokko@Meow-MeowGenopsyko YumenoshimaDetec BellLapis LazulineMelville
Cherna MousePfleShadow GaleMasked WonderAkaneKeekPalette
Others Tomoki TateharaBeautiful Calamity MaryPixie KittenFairy Puppy
The First Lapis LazulineBluebell Candy

V • T • E Drama CD Characters
Magical Girl Raising Project in Dreamland NemurinBeautiful Calamity MarySnow WhiteLa PucellePfleShadow GaleDetec BellLapis LazulineRain PowPostarieMarika FukuroiIdeal Snow WhiteIdeal PfleIdeal Shadow GaleIdeal Detec BellIdeal Lapis LazulineIdeal Rain PowIdeal PostarieIdeal Marika Fukuroi
The Wall Between Me and You Sister NanaWeiss WinterprisonIdeal Sister NanaIdeal Weiss Winterprison
The Two Monsters Final Battle in the Dream City Swim SwimSonia BeanIdeal RulerIdeal Pukin