Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Wiki
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Death Prayer (デスプレイヤー), is a character that appeared in Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown.




Magical Girl[]

As a Magical Girl, she looks like a young girl around 15 years old. She has straight black bangs.

Death Prayer wears a long plain grey skirt with a white shirt one size smaller than her own, that of which could barely hold in her breasts up until the second button on her costume was unbuttoned.


Marguerite describes her as someone brash and bold. She seems to really care for Touta's well being. 

Death Prayer also has a very cunning side, as she was able to use Touta to manipulate Marguerite into accepting to escort him to The Island.




Touta Magaoka[]

She's his aunt. She took care of him after his parents died in a car accident.

Miss Marguerite[]

She is Death Prayer's old friend. Death Prayer asks Miss Marguerite to accompany Touta to The Island.


Death Prayer and Mana work together in the Inspection Department.



V • T • E Breakdown Characters
Team John John ShepherdspiePastel MaryDreamy☆Chelsea
Team Touta Touta MagaokaMiss Marguerite
Team Ragi Ragi Zwe NentoClantail
Team Agri Agrielreymwaed QuarkyLove Me Ren-RenNephilia
Team Mana Mana7753Tepsekemei
Team Navi Navi RuClarissa Toothedge
Team Yol YolMaiyaRareko
Island Inhabitants Lyr Cuem SatabornFrancisca Francesca
Other Death PrayerSnow WhiteUluruShufflin Ⅱ

V • T • E Magical Kingdom
Founder The First Mage
The Three Sages Chêne・Osk・Baal・Mel / (Grim Heart) • Av・Lapati・Puk・Baltha / (Puk Puck) •
Caspar・Vim・Hop・Seuk / (Ratsumukana-honome-no-kami)
Central Authority / Sages' Factions
Information Bureau Grim HeartShufflinHalna Midi MerenTetty Goodgripp
Sages' Factions LetheCQ Angel HamuelShufflin ⅡUluruPremium SachikoSorami Nakano
Magical Girl Department
Inspection Department ManaSnow White (Outside Staff) • Hana GekokujouFalPukin (Former Head) • Fan Lit FanUnnamed PersonDeath PrayerDrill Dory
Magical Girl Resources Department Pfle (Former Head) • Clio (Deputy Head) • 7753 (Guidance) • Cranberry (Former) • Dark Cutie (Secret Team) • Micchan the Dictionary (Secret Team) • Glassianne (Secret Team) • Flame Flamey (Former) • AlmaFav (Former) • Toko (Former) • Pythie Frederica (Former Head and Examiner) • BirgittaRappy TaypeJuubePuppeta
Department of Diplomacy Archfiend Pam (Former Head) • Lady Proud (Former Head) • Umbrain (Former)
R&D Division Juube (Former Head) • Puppeta (Former) • Jelly MarieSpinonBluebell CandyPrincess Deluge (Former) • Olga
Public Relations Division PaletteMagical DaisyTwin Stars Cutie AltairCutie VegaSally Raven
IT Division Keek (Former) • Fal (Former)
Magical Girl Management Division Ragi Zwe Nento (Head)
Freelancers FilruUttakattaKafuriaAuroNeginoKokuriMiss MargueritePshuke Prains
Others Rain PowEljeena