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Cherna Mouse (チェルナー・マウス) is one of the main protagonists of Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart.

Cherna Mouse is part of Team Bell. She is a stubborn, innocent, and selfish Magical Girl. She obeys her teammates but is mostly loyal to Melville.

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Before transformation, Cherna Mouse is actually an actual mouse.[1]


Original Self[]

Before transformation, Cherna is actually a mouse.

Magical Girl[]

Cherna Mouse full

Cherna Mouse

As a Magical Girl, Cherna Mouse has rose-gold hair and light brown eyes. She has a furry cape and hood that give her the appearance of a hamster. The hood has the face of a hamster, with some of her hair poking out of the top. It also has hamster ears.

The cape has black and yellow discs on the shoulders with sunflower seeds attached to them. On the discs is a golden cat-shaped silhouette with a golden line going through it. Underneath her cape, she wears a white leotard or white outfit with lace around the edges.

She has short black boots.


Since she is an animal, she behaves noticeably different than the other magical girls who are humans. She lacks common manners, rarely speaks and has a small vocabulary.

She is stubborn but obeys Melville, and she is also very domineering and innocent. Cherna Mouse speaks in third-person. Cherna Mouse is very territorial and tends to claim some territories as her. She hates people who trespass "her territory" without her permission.

Despite her typical rude behavior, Cherna Mouse is loyal and shows love to those she considers as part of her family. She is also someone who enjoys eating.


Can make herself really big.

She can grow extremely large with an unknown limit, and somewhat her physical ability also increases in proportion to her size. Until 30 meters, there is not much energy loss, but after that, she will suffer from exhaustion that is proportional to her size.

She also possesses special huge sunflower seeds that are parts of her costume. The seeds are edible and can be reproduced with magic.

Special Item(s)[]

  • Seeds: Cherna Mouse's seeds that she holds on to. She is seen sometimes nibbling on them.



Melville and Cherna Mouse are both on Team Bell. Cherna Mouse only takes orders from Melville and acts according to her. Later when Cherna Mouse dies in heart attack, Melville appears saddened. However later on, it is revealed that Melville was started to be vengeance and one who orchestrated Cherna Mouse's death. Melville doesn't regret her actions.

Detec Bell[]

Detec Bell and Cherna Mouse are both on Team Bell. However, despite belonging to the same team, Cherna Mouse does not seem to take any orders from Detec Bell. Suddenly, when Cherna Mouse who get heart attack, due to having the lowest amount of Magical Candies. Detec Bell always holding, but she shocked and discover Cherna Mouse who died of heart attack. After Cherna Mouse’s death, Detec Bell personally carries Cherna Mouse’s body to the grave, she is mourning for her.

Lapis Lazuline[]

Lapis Lazuline and Cherna Mouse are both on Team Bell. Cherna and Lapis Lazuline are regarded as the two careless members of Team Bell, whereas Detec Bell and Melville are the more responsible ones. Lapis Lazuline is jealous of the fact that Cherna Mouse has her own food in the game. She was very sad about her death.

Shadow Gale[]


Pfle challenged Team Bell to a battle, and Cherna Mouse was the one who took the duel most seriously. Pfle won the battle, which angered Cherna. Cherna hates Pfle, whereas Pfle would like to befriend her.

Pfle was the principal suspect for the death of Cherna since the rest of the Magical Girls knew about the battle they had. Pfle claims being unable of hurting Cherna Mouse and feels sad and confused about her death.

Masked Wonder[]




Nonako Miyokata[]


Tomoki Tatehara[]

During the events of A Cherna Christmas, Cherna Mouse meets Tomoki after eating a croquet right out of his hand. She then informs him that she must deliver food as presents for her family all over japan, attempting to drag him around to buy more food under the belief that he was an adult. After learning that he is just a child, however, they settled on just searching around.

The two of them search all around town, with Tomoki stopping Cherna Mouse whenever she would try to do something inappropriate. They end up finding no food, causing Cherna Mouse to cry, with Tomoki immediately heading home to make something for her. When he returns with a large quantity of food, she is overjoyed, thanking him and stating that she will let him join her family when he gets older.


Tama-chan is Nonako Miyokata's pet hamster who Cherna visits off-screen in A Cherna Christmas. She leaves her a Japanese spiny lobster head as a gift.

Prior to Cherna's reveal of being a mouse before transformation, it was believed that she and Tama-Chan were either related or the same person.

Musician Of The Forest, Cranberry[]

While Cherna Mouse does not remember her exam or Cranberry, she still gets feelings that something serious happened, making a point to avoid people who have flowers on them and considering them scary.


  • In Fanbook 1, Cherna Mouse has the following stats:
    Physical Ability: 4/5
    Communication Skill: 1/5
    Magic Rarity: 5/5
    Magic Experience: 4/5
    Mental Strength: 2/5
    Family Love: 5/5
  • Prior to being revealed to be a Mouse before transformation by the Anime director, it was initially believed that Cherna was a hamster.



V • T • E Restart Characters
Team Clantail ClantailPechkaRionettaNonako Miyokata
Team Daisy Magical DaisyNokko@Meow-MeowGenopsyko Yumenoshima
Team Bell Detec BellLapis LazulineMelvilleCherna Mouse
Team Pfle PfleShadow GaleMasked Wonder
Others AkaneKeekFal
Minor Appearances Snow WhiteLake of Fire Flame FlameyPaletteRagi Zwe NentoMusician Of The Forest, CranberryFav

V • T • E Episodes Characters
Unmarked (Arc 1) Snow WhiteRippleLa PucelleTop SpeedRulerSwim SwimMinaelYunaelTamaNemurinCalamity MaryMagicaloid 44Sister Nana
Weiss WinterprisonMusician Of The Forest, CranberryHardgore AliceFav
Restart ClantailPechkaRionettaNonako MiyokataMagical DaisyNokko@Meow-MeowGenopsyko YumenoshimaDetec BellLapis LazulineMelville
Cherna MousePfleShadow GaleMasked WonderAkaneKeekPalette
Others Tomoki TateharaBeautiful Calamity MaryPixie KittenFairy Puppy
The First Lapis LazulineBluebell Candy

V • T • E Episodes Δ Characters
Unmarked (Arc 1) Snow WhiteLa PucelleTop SpeedRippleRulerSwim SwimYunaelMinaelMagicaloid 44Sister NanaWeiss WinterprisonCranberry
Hardgore AliceFav
Restart PechkaClantailRionettaNonako MiyokataShadow GalePfleLapis LazulineKeekFalLake of Fire Flame FlameyNokkoCherna Mouse
Limited ManaTepsekemei7753Archfiend PamHana Gekokujou
JOKERS Marika FukuroiStyler MimiLady ProudUmbrainUttakattaPrincess InfernoPrincess DelugePrincess QuakePrincess Tempest
ACES&QUEENS PatriciaMicchan the DictionaryGlassianneLethe
F2P Stella LuluFan Lit Fan
Others Yoshiko YoshinouraSumireTomoki TateharaTwin Dragons PanasMina Mad Gardener AcreMetallieTwin Stars Cutie AltairMaiyaBarter RankoSanae UtataneMol Mol MorguePuchideviCockle