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Pastel.. mary...... my beloved magical girl <3333,_Cranberry
Reminds me of an Elegant Lady who likes flying with her Brutish Partner whos name is combination of same big letters into one and later on is mutated by the main villian into agreesive and less compassionate Tyrantress
Name: Mashumaro
Real Name: Kotoko Nijiue
Age: 17
Occupation: High School Student
Classification: Magical Girl/Human
Gender: Female
Status: Alive (real world) Deceased (candy world)
Affiliation(s): Candy World
Kill(s): None
Killed by: None (real world) Magnificent Meru (candy world)
Making Friends
Losing Freinds
Destructive Power
Magical Potential
Bubbly Police Girl
Ninja Girl who thinks its cool to be one
Scammer who can make effective things who also laughs at rainbows she sees after too much,_Cranberry
Reminds me of Mass of Idenitical Drones
Name: Mandukaia
Nationality: Mongol
True Name: Alia Tuimichi
Voice: Karen Fukuhura(ENG), Ryoka Yuzuki(JAP)
Location: Northern Temujia
Spirit Magic(Shamanism)
Able to Summon Spirits of Animals and Humans alike
Creation of Elemental Disasters like Lighting Storm, Wildfires and Other stuff like that
Able to see Future and Past.
Control of Wild Animals to her will
Peace Loving
In tune with Nature
Free Person
Just wants to be a Noble Nomadic Monarch
Chongzu Hand Cannon
White Horse
Likes: Peace,Animals, Friends in Form of Her Spirits, Yurts(Turko-Mongol Tents)
Dislikes: Foreigners, Evil People, Thiefs, Exploiters, Greedy People(Spefficaly one Nail Job obessed Robot who has a Homicidal Boss)
"Rise mine Dearest Friends we will show the bad people who rules"-First words when speaking to her spirits being noticed
"Oh My who will be mine new dearest Husband"-Talking to all Male Spirits
"Welcome Sweetheart im Makundia Khanum of Temujia"- To Snow White
" Me a Killer to Inoocent people no no i only kill bad people i welcome good people"- To Ripple
"Leave you Filthy Greedy Tin you have no place in freelands of Temujia"- To Magicaloid 44
Magicaloid 44
That qoute she uses and also mine friends uses
"Mine boss is a bit of Homicidal Maniac how about i give her a special two in one a killer punch"
LOL am laying down
OC Posts, Occasional Slagposts
Or Opinion Posts
Because am not into it
I might also make rising project jokes here so execpt that
Fav: Snow white and her friends, for their crimes against our land...
Snow white: I swear we didn't do it! Someone framed us to get out of the way.
Fav: silence defendants, pon, as I said, your sentence for your crimes against the magical land is...
Ripple: That's unfair!
Tama: That doesn't make any sense.
Sister nana: It can't be.
Fav: They should have thought about it before stealing the most precious relic in this world, pon.
Snow white: If only he would give us a chance to prove our innocence.
Fav: There isn't, the law is the law, pon, The sentence will be given in the morning in front of all the inhabitants of the magical land, and that includes the magical girls, so far, take them to the evil magical girl prison, pon.
(To be continue...).
Cranberry inspired me to create the most sinister, cruel, bloodthirsty villain, controlling yo-kai watch. I don't know which one, but I will.
7 Votes in Poll
When I heard about a very good lgbt couple from mahou iku I thought they were ripple and top speed, but after seeing something it turned out to be Sister nana and Winterprision, hehe. But of course, I still can't stop thinking of ripple and top speed as a potential nice couple.
It's called onigawa, I did it for yo-kai watch, what do you think?
I'm actually new to this place.
Even though it looks like nothing is going on
I've watched the anime and finished restart part 1
I don't really wanna order a book online...
And I wanna ask where can I read MGRP online (translated ofc) for F R E E?
Hello? Anyone?
Yeah, almost a year ago I got hooked onto Demon Slayer... I just wanted to say hi.
I used to have a Nemurin pfp.
Hey so you khow the mgrp blooket question i asked here? well its being hosted by me and your invited! the code is 5202316
See you there!
I think I saw it at least a year ago, but it's probably older.
It's Princess Deluge standing on water alone, but in the water reflection are the 4 friends she lost in Jokers.
I always thought the image was cool, but me being the idiot I am, I didn't save it. I've been searching for hours at this point, on various websites like Danbooru and Pixiv, and I just can't find the image.